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"Herron, let's go!" Lottie shouts, waiting by the front door of her family's house. All of the boys and their girlfriends traveled to Massachusetts so that Brooke could celebrate her birthday with her family. They were going out to dinner and then a movie per management's request. Naomi was picking up Lottie, Zach, Daniel, and Brooke while everyone else is taking an Uber from the hotel to the restaurant.

"Sorry, Lily wouldn't let me walk away," Zach mutters, rushing over to the girl while running his fingers through his hair. "And now I have cat hair all over me."

"I've had that cat for eight years and she runs away from me every time but you walk in and she won't leave you alone, this is bullshit," Lottie huffs, reaching into the drawer next to the door where they keep a lint roller. She takes it out and pulls off the top layer before passing it over to Zach. "Here, we can bring it with us."

"Thank you," Zach replies, opening the door for the girl. Lottie walks outside towards Naomi's car with Zach in tow. Jonah is sitting passenger while Daniel and Brooke are in the back.

"You're so fucking lucky it's your birthday," Lottie grumbles as Zach slides in next to Brooke. Lottie throws her small purse into the car, aiming directly for Brooke's head. Daniel catches her purse before it can hit Brooke and pulls out her camera to record. Zach holds out his hand and helps Lottie into the car and onto his lap because there was nowhere else to sit. Lottie slams the door shut behind her and leans back onto it once it's locked. "What movie are we seeing later?"

"A star is born," Naomi answers, pulling out of the street to head to the restaurant. "And before you ask everyone else is already at the restaurant waiting for us."

"Well alright then," Lottie mutters, slouching down a bit and resting her head on Zach's shoulder while Daniel slowly zooms in on them. "Daniel, if you weren't holding my camera right now I'd be kicking you."

"I guess that means I can't put the camera down," Daniel cheekily responds, his grin wide as Lottie rolls her eyes. "Why did you guys take three years to come out? Were you fucking?"

"Okay, nope," Lottie mutters, reaching down and pulling her boot off only to chuck it at Daniel's head. The boot clunks against his skull loudly causing him to whine and Lottie to laugh. "Honestly, I wasn't even expecting for it to hit you but wow am I so happy that it did."

"You deserved that," Brooke giggles while handing Lottie her boot back. "But I'm curious, what happened?"

"Lily hasn't left Zach alone since we entered my house yesterday," Lottie pouts, folding her arms across her chest as Zach wraps his arms around her while chuckling. "Which doesn't make sense seeing as the damn cat barely comes near me when I'm home... Fucking favoritism."

"I've been telling you that you're unlikeable for weeks Charlotte," Daniel mumbles while rubbing the forming bump on his head. Lottie goes to throw something at his head again but is stopped by Brooke's warning glance. The car slowly pulls up to Brooke's restaurant of choice, which was Chili's.

Jonah gets out of the passenger seat and pulls open the door that Lottie was leaning against. The youngest girl almost falls out of the car and onto the concrete but Zach catches her at the last minute. Zach unbuckles the seatbelt and gets out of the car while holding her, not trusting her to not fall to the ground. He sets her down once she gently punches his back.

Daniel opens his side door and steps out, turning around and holding his hand out for the birthday girl. Brooke softly smiles and places her hand in his, allowing him to pull her out of the parked vehicle. Daniel shuts the door and lets go of her hand, gesturing for everyone to walk inside. Jonah slides up next to Daniel, chuckling quietly to himself.

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