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"Zach, please tell me you broke up with her or at least told her what's going on," Lottie whispers so only Zach can hear.

"I uh might've forgotten to do that," Zach replies, not moving his eyes from the fuming blonde in front of him.

"Why did I get stuck with the stupid one?" Lottie asks Brooke.

"Because I'm not dating someone younger than me and you don't like Daniel like at all," Brooke responds with wide eyes.

"Who is this slut all over you?" Kay snarks while crossing her arms. Zach immediately puts his hand over Lottie's mouth and holds her back from attacking.

"Uh, funny story so uh... Daniel help me," Zach mumbles, backing away from Kay.

"Kay, uh Zach kind of found something out and doesn't want to be with you anymore," Daniel makes something up on the spot while pushing Brooke behind him protectively. He knows she will fight anyone that tries to hurt Lottie and he doesn't want more drama.

"How the fuck did you find out I was using you?" Kay questions in shock. Zach's face drops and he stares at the blonde. "Which of my boys told you?"

"You what?" Zach whispers, his eyes glossing over. Kay's eyes widen and she opens and closes her mouth, trying to come up with a response. Lottie grabs Zach's hand and pushes him behind her before walking over to Kay. Brooke does the same with Daniel before joining Lottie. The boys try to intervene with no success.

"Could you repeat that for me?" Brooke questions, intimidating Kay to no end.

"I uh cheated on him and may have been using him," Kay meekly responds, fumbling with her phone nervously.

"How many times?" Lottie asks with a glare that could kill.

"I uh don't know probably like ten times at least," Kay quietly answers, shuffling her feet.

"You do realize that you never have and never will deserve him right?" Lottie rhetorically asks, her gaze hardening. She was fucking pissed, to say the least. Kay slowly nods her head and begins to back up. Brooke stops her with a firm grip on her arm. "You have no clue how fucking tempted I am to deck you in the face right now but I won't."

"I um I-I'm sorry Zach," Kay stutters out while struggling against Brooke's grip.

"You should be," Brooke starts, "Lottie might want to let you off easy but I sure as hell don't."  Brooke then slaps Kay. Hard. Lottie's eyes widen and she immediately pushes Brooke back to Daniel so more damage isn't done. Kay's holding her cheek in shock but she doesn't seem mad.

"Walk away," Lottie demands with a stern glare. Kay nods her head like a bobblehead before turning and sprinting away from them. Luckily, they were in a secluded part of the arcade and no one saw the confrontation. Lottie spins on her heel and faces the trio. "Maybe we should take a walk?"

"Yeah that might do us all some good," Daniel agrees with a sigh. Daniel grabs Brooke's hand and begins to drag her out of the arcade. She's still fuming and you can practically see the smoke coming out of her ears. "You need to calm down."

"She cheated on him, Daniel! I'm not gonna be all sunshine's and rainbows about that shit!" Brooke practically screeches.

"I know but you need to calm down so we can focus on Zach," Daniel sighs, looking back to his younger bandmate. Brooke nods once before walking out of the doors of the arcade with Daniel.

"Hey," Lottie makes Zach look at her. He looks broken and Lottie can feel her heart break in her chest. "Let's go walk and if you want to talk we can talk and if you don't we don't have to but just know that if you want me to I will gladly beat that girls ass," She jokes earning a small laugh from Zach. She holds her hand out and Zach grasps it, locking their fingers together. Lottie sends him a small smile before pulling him towards the other two.

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