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"Zach Herron, why are you calling me?" Lottie picks up the call, shoving her phone between her ear and shoulder so she can close the nail polish bottle in her hands. Once the cap is secured, Lottie lifts her head and grasps her phone tightly.

"Well my lovely girlfriend, the boys and I need your help," Zach responds causing Lottie to giggle lightly. "We don't know what to get Brooke for her birthday."

"And this is my problem because?" Lottie teases, standing up from her desk chair to find shoes. She was gonna help him the second he asked but she has to tease the boy.

"Please help us, be a good girlfriend," Zach replies earning an eye roll from the girl. "Gabbie and Christina want to come too."

"Oh, well you should've opened with that, I'll help," Lottie jokes, throwing her purse over her shoulder once her vans were tied. "Do you want me to meet you at your house or the mall?"

"Come to the Why Don't We house please," Zach answers before hanging up. Lottie shoves her phone into her purse, opening her bedroom door to walk out. She sneaks through the apartment, trying to not run into Brooke or Naomi. Unfortunately, that did not happen and Lottie walks straight into the blonde.

"Where are you going?" Brooke asks, steadying the younger girl when she almost falls over from the impact.

"Africa, I'll be back in a couple of hours," Lottie responds, spinning on her heel to attempt to make a quick exit. Brooke grabs the girls elbow, pulling her back. "Zach wants to go do something, I don't know what but I'm being tasked to pick him up."

"Okay, bring back food for dinner please," Brooke requests, hesitantly walking away from the brunette. Lottie lets out a breath of relief before grabbing her keys from the wall and making her way out of the apartment. The teen makes her way out of her building, hopping into her car and speeding over to the Why Don't We house. She hops out of the car, making her way towards the door and knocking. The door swings open to reveal Gabbie who immediately tackles the younger girl.

"Babe, you can't do that anymore," Jack warns, rushing over to the giggling duo. "You might hurt the baby."

"BABY?" Lottie shouts, her eyes wide in shock. "You're pregnant?"

"Yeah, I'm due in May," Gabbie grins as Lottie hugs her tightly.

"I'm so happy for you!" Lottie exclaims, letting go of the slightly older girl. "I won't tell anyone, promise."

"I didn't think you would," Gabbie replies as Jack helps her up. The girl was barely showing but Jack still was trying to protect her at all costs. Zach walks in and beelines it to Lottie, helping her up. "Babe, I'm fine."

"I just don't want anything happening to either of you," Jack answers, playing with Gabbie's fingers gently. Lottie awws quietly at the scene. "Anyways, Lottie we need your help."

"So I've heard," Lottie giggles, taking her keys from her back pocket once more. "You're lucky your girlfriend is involved or I wouldn't have even come."

"Rude," Zach mutters, throwing his arms around the girl's shoulders from behind. "You should be coming for me and me only."

"I really do hate to break it to you but I love Gabbie and Christina more than you," Lottie jokes, intertwining their hands when one of Zach's arms drops. "I hope you realize that I had my shoes on before you brought up the girls so I was gonna help you guys anyways."

"Aww, cute," Gabbie teases as Christina and the other boys finally make their way downstairs. Christina rushes over and throws her arms around Lottie, pulling the girl out of Zach's arms.

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