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"Alright, I'll see you at home," Brooke bids her parents a farewell. Her parents drove two cars to the restaurant but left one of them so that the group didn't have to pay for another uber. Once her parents pull out of the parking lot, Brooke turns and throws the keys to Lottie who surprisingly catches them. "You're the only person I trust to drive beside Naomi."

"Excuse me," Daniel scoffs, pretending to be offended. Brooke rolls her eyes and slaps the back of his head lightly.

"Massachusetts drivers are a different breed dude. You can drive on the way home when there's like no one on the roads." Brooke replies causing Daniel to brighten slightly. "Okay now five to each car, you guys can split it up whatever way you want."

"Zach, Lottie, Christina, Corbyn and I? Then everyone else in the other car," Gabbie suggests earning nods from the rest of the group. They quickly split up and get into the vehicles. Once everyone is buckled in, the short journey to the movie theaters begins. "Naomi has all of the presents in her car right?"

"Yes, I believe after the movies we're all going to Lottie's so she can open the presents," Zach replies while angrily typing on his phone. Slowing down at a red light, Lottie looks up into the mirror to shoot the girls and Corbyn a confused look.

"I hope you're not texting your mother right now," Corbyn says causing Zach's head to shoot up in surprise. Zach's silent for a few moments, seeming hesitant to say anything. "Also please don't break your phone."

"I'm not texting my mom, I'm texting... Kay," Zach responds which makes Lottie almost slam on the brakes. Luckily, she stops herself and just pulls into the parking lot of the movie theaters. She parks the car next to Naomi and gets out of the car once she cuts the engine. Gabbie gets out with her leaving Corbyn and Christina with Zach. "I didn't mean to."

"What happened? I thought you liked Lottie?" Christina asks, resting her head on the driver's seat so she can see him. "Did she text you first or what?"

"She's been texting me every day that she wants to get back together and she regrets her mistakes or whatever and I just had enough. I texted her back to tell her to leave me alone so then she threw a fit," Zach explains, glancing down at his phone once the screen lights up again. "I really like Lottie but I think I fucked it up by responding to Kay."

"Well, for now, let's focus on Brooke and her birthday and then tomorrow we can sort this out," Corbyn mutters while opening the car door and pulling Christina out with him. "Don't worry dude, you still got a chance I promise."

"Come hither children I shall give you your movie tickets," Lottie announces, pulling the tickets out of her purse. "I honestly don't know who paid for which tickets I was just told to keep them in my possession so if you want to switch certain seats around, you can figure it out."

"Charlotte, it literally has names on the pieces of paper," Daniel sighs, grabbing the small stack from the girl and handing the tickets out himself. "Don't forget to snuggle with Zach, Charlotte."

"I'll run you over Seavey, don't test me," Lottie retorts, grabbing the tickets and Zach's hand. Brooke matches Daniel's pace, slowly zooming in and recording Zach and Lottie. "Brooklyn."

"It's my birthday, you can't be mean to me," Brooke reminds the younger girl who simply flips her off. "Honestly was expecting her to ignore my comment about it being my birthday."

"She's being nice for once, take it or leave it," Naomi cuts in, pulling the door open so everyone can walk in. They quickly get their tickets scanned and are told where the theater is. "I want snacks."

"Fuck we forgot to get those before we came," Christina groans, throwing her head back. "Alright, guess we're buying overpriced shit."

"Yeah, like you girls are paying for anything," Jack snorts, the other boys nodding along. "Pick whatever you want, we'll pay."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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