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"Do you want to just take Daniel's car instead of going in two separate ones?" Brooke yells from the other room. The girls were currently getting ready for their double date at the arcade. Earlier in the morning, the girls were added to a group chat with the boys and the managers saying that one couple was gonna be publicized tonight. They ended up having Lottie and Zach go first because everyone knew that Zach just wanted to get it over with. The girls were so nervous but very thankful that they didn't have to do this date alone.

"Yeah sure, you can text him," Lottie shouts while taking clothes out from her closet. She decides on a maroon tank top with a criss-cross back and black leggings. She also takes out her checkered vans and puzzle piece necklace to throw on later. She pulls her wavy hair into a half up half down ponytail before beginning her makeup. The girls haven't left the house yet today so they can't just touch up and go, unfortunately.

Brooke stands in front of her bed, looking at her options for clothes. She picks black leggings with a white knitted sweater that was a little big on her. She also grabs a light purple scarf and brown boots. She sits in front of her vanity after throwing on the outfit and plugs in her curling iron. She brushes through her long blonde locks and waits. Realizing she forgot to text Daniel, she picks up her phone and does just that. She messily curls her hair before doing a simple makeup look. Both girls finish around the same time, five minutes before the boys arrive.

"Brooke, make sure the camera's charged," Lottie reminds the blonde while walking past her room. Brooke sighs before standing and grabbing both her phone and camera from their respective chargers. She walks out of her room with both of the devices in her hands and goes straight to the younger brunette. She places them in Lottie's bag because she isn't bringing her bag.

"You look cute," Lottie mumbles while taking water from the fridge.

"Thanks, you look okay," Brooke jokes while ducking away from Lottie's punch. "I'm just kidding! oh, wait I should wear that necklace too!" Brooke sprints to her room quickly before digging through her drawers to find the silver puzzle piece. She grabs it and runs back to the amused brunette. "Help, I'm incapable." Lottie sighs but complies and puts it on her. They hear a knock on the door and Lottie quickly gathers their things while Brooke answers the door. Naomi was doing another photo shoot so she couldn't answer the door for them.

"Hello!" Brooke greets the two boys with a grin.

"Hey, are you guys ready?" Daniel questions. Lottie appears behind Brooke and nods. They make sure the door's locked before walking to Daniel's car. Brooke gets into the passenger seat while Lottie and Zach get into the back.

"Do we have any specific instructions for the night or are we just making it up?" Brooke asks as Daniel turns out of their apartment complex.

"Well you two have to vlog and we all have to take pictures and be active on social media," Daniel explains slowly. "also Zach and Lottie have to hold hands and act like an actual couple."

"Fuck, no," Lottie whines with a pout, "I'm literally two years old, I can't do this." The other three laugh at her as she sinks down in her seat.

"You're gonna survive, Lotts, I have faith," Brooke pats her on the head causing Lottie to flip her off.

"Don't worry, we got this," Zach tries to reassure the girl but it doesn't really do a lot.

"Can I have the camera?" Brooke asks with her hand out. Lottie quickly hands it to her with a sigh.

"Act like a couple," Daniel quickly reminds them, earning a glare from the duo. Zach quickly throws his arm around Lottie who leans into his side. Brooke presses the record button before raising the camera so everyone is in the frame.

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