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"Jesus Christ, how did we get that many tickets?" Brooke gasps, staring at the blinking red numbers on the screen in front of her. The four had just used the last of their tokens up at the arcade. Each couple had their own stacks of tickets and were jokingly having a competition on who had more. Brooke and Daniel have a grand total of 3,848 tickets. Lottie and Zach just started putting theirs into the machine but things weren't looking too good for them.

"Dammit," Lottie sighs, looking at the blinking numbers on her screen. "You win." Daniel and Brooke both begin cheering loudly.

"Wait how many tickets did you guys get?" Daniel asks while leaning over Brooke to try and see the other screen.

"3,476," Zach answers before hitting the button for their ticket. Brooke does the same with her machine and the four make their way over to the prize counter. They scan all of their options before deciding.

"Have you decided?" The girl behind the counter asks with a bored tone. Lottie and Zach both nod causing the girl to motion for them to tell her. They end up using their tickets for some candy, plastic jewelry, and a stuffed teddy bear. The girl hands the fuzzy brown bear to Zach before shooing them away.

"Why a bear?" Lottie giggles, her head tilted slightly while looking at the toy in Zach's hands.

"Cause you're my boo bear," Zach jokes while holding the stuffed animal towards her.

"Zach, what the fuck?" Lottie laughs, accepting the bear. "Boo bear?"

"Yup," Zach answers with a nod and shit eating grin.

"Hey, Brooke?" Lottie calls to the blonde, not removing her eyes from the bear in her hands.

"Ya?" Brooke mumbles while sliding up next to the giggling brunette.

"Who's nickname was boo bear when they were a child again?" Lottie questions with a glance at the confused girl.

"Uh Louis Tomlinson, I think," Brooke replies slowly. "Why?"

"Zach just called me his boo bear," Lottie chuckles, holding up the bear as a reference.

"You guys are fucking weird," Brooke mutters with a shake of her head before walking away from the laughing duo. Daniel sends the blonde a questioning look as she returns.

"Those two make me crave death more and more every day," Brooke sighs while leaning into Daniels side.

"What did they do?" Daniel asks, wrapping an arm around the exasperated blonde.

"Zach called her his boo bear and gave her a damn teddy bear and they are acting so much like a couple I can't," Brooke explains before pulling Daniel up to the counter. The lady behind it doesn't even bother with words just raises her eyebrow in question. Daniel picks out essentially the same things as the other two but instead of a stuffed bear, he got Brooke a stuffed giraffe. Brooke was too lost in thought to notice until Daniel places the pink animal in her hands. She looks down with a frown and then snorts in amusement.

"Let me guess," She starts while tossing the toy around. "To remind me of you?" Daniel laughs and nods quickly before dragging her back to their friends.

"Aww, I didn't know they sold why don't we merch here," Lottie jokes, gesturing to the pink animal in Brooke's hands. "Why is it pink?"

"Because it's unique," Brooke states with a grin. "Can't say the same about yours."

"How dare you insult my boo bear," Lottie gasps, clutching the animal close to her. The boys are just watching this exchange in amusement.

"Are you guys ready to head out?" Daniel questions while pulling his keys from his back pocket.

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