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"Lottie, can I see your vlog camera?" Naomi questions from the backseat.

"Yeah, Zach can you hand it to her? it's in my purse," Lottie requests, taking her hand off of the wheel to point towards the small black purse by his feet. He nods and grabs it before passing it back to Naomi. Grabbing it from him, Naomi turns it on before pressing record.

"Hi y'all it's the girl that is unofficially apart of this channel," Naomi cheers with a grin. "We are on our way to go take pics with Zach and Daniel. Say hi Zach!" She pans the camera to the boy who turns in his seat with a grin.

"Hey, guys!" He laughs while waving towards the camera lens. Naomi moves so Lottie is also in the frame. "Don't distract her, I want to get there alive."

"We are pulling up now so you're saved," Naomi replies as Lottie turns into a parking lot. "Where even are we by the way?"

"We're at the park we always take photos at you idiot," Lottie responds while stepping out of the car. Brooke and Daniel pull up next to her as she's stepping out. Lottie turns around and grabs the vlog camera from Naomi before slipping her keys into her back pocket. The four other teens are behind her, waiting for her to get her stuff.

"Where's my-," Lottie begins to say before turning around and seeing Zach with her purse. "Oh never mind." She slams the door shut and locks the car before walking over to the group. Zach passes her the purse and they begin their walk to the middle of the park. Lottie passes the camera to Brooke who immediately starts recording.

"I'm gonna sob that was so cute," Brooke dramatically says to the camera.

"Brooke, what are you talking about?" Lottie questions as they stop in front of some pretty tree. Brooke turns the camera and zooms it into Zach and Lottie's faces.

"He took your purse out for you," Brooke squeals as if he proposed to her. Lottie furrows her brows and gives Brooke a confused look. Zach has the same look but slowly realizes what Brooke is doing.

"Okay, and?" Lottie sighs while helping Naomi set up the camera on a tripod.

"It was cute," Brooke states before turning off the camera. "You're as dumb as a brick Lottie."

"What? why?" Lottie asks, spinning on her heal to look at the blonde.

"I was trying to introduce the idea of you and Zach dating," Brooke explains. Lottie slowly realizes what she's talking about and facepalms.

"Sometimes I wish I was born a toothbrush," She mumbles to herself, earning laughter from the other four. "Daniel, Brooke, you're first." The two move in front of the trees and Naomi starts snapping pictures of the two. "Throw leaves together, maybe?" Lottie suggests while leaning on a tree next to Zach.

"I'm definitely gonna accidentally eat one but that's cool," Brooke responds before grabbing a handful of the yellow leaves.

"How would you eat one?" Daniel mumbles, following Brooke's lead nonetheless. Everyone just kind of shrugs before Naomi resumes taking pictures of the two. They throw the leaves into the air and laugh while watching them fall to the ground.

"Look!" Brooke points to a chipmunk on the ground behind her. Daniel grabs her hand and follows her line of sight to the small animal. Brooke looks at their hands with a smile before looking back at the animal. They don't realize that Naomi is still taking pictures of the two. Daniel looks at the blonde with a grin on his face he can't seem to wipe off.

"Thank you, next!" Naomi yells before laughing. Brooke and Lottie mindlessly start singing thank you, next by Ariana Grande before actually following Naomi's directions. Brooke and Daniel walk over to the tree the other two were at before sitting down.

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