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"Lotts," Brooke calls from the cereal aisle. She sees Lottie round the corner and walks towards her with a furrowed brow.

"You called?" She sighs while pushing her cart towards the blonde.

"What's up with you and Zach?" Brooke questions, throwing a box of cheerios into the cart.

"He's not happy about this whole thing and is upset he's stuck with me for a year at least," The brunette explains, watching her best friend throw random shit into the cart. Brooke sent the boys to get water bottles and some sodas so she could talk to Lottie.

"He just has to get used to it, things will work out," Brooke encourages while moving to another aisle. Lottie goes to respond but the boys came back with the drinks. She opens Brooke's purse and turns the camera on and makes sure it's recording.

"Hey y'all so I'm assuming Brooke told you what we're doing and what else did you do?" Lottie starts before trailing off.

"Introduced Daniel," She replies throwing things they absolutely do not need into the cart.

"Okay so- Brooke no we don't need that put it back- I guess I should introduce you to- Brooke for the love of god stop acting like a two-year-old and put the damn food back," Lottie scolds the older girl while trying to introduce Zach. "Anyways, you guys probably know who this is seeing as I think we've talked about him before but this is Zach Herron," She pans the camera to the boy who plasters on a fake smile. "Brooke and I have definitely talked about him and the rest of his band," She trails off getting distracted from looking at her list.

"Wait, you have?" Zach asks, sliding up to the girl so he's pushing it with her. She looks up from her list to lock eyes with him before returning her gaze to the paper.

"Yeah, we knew who you were, we're not like die-hard fans but you have some pretty good music," She mumbles while grabbing a pint of ice cream for Brooke. "I'll cut that out."

"Okay," He replies. His mood seems to have gotten better so Lottie sends him a smile before pushing the cart over to Daniel and Brooke. They seemed to be jokingly arguing with each other.

"What the fuck?" Lottie mutters to Zach. "Brooke, what are you doing?" The blonde turns to look at Lottie before shrugging.

"He said he doesn't like chocolate," She defends herself while Daniel just rolls his eyes.

"Okay and I don't like ice cream, can we move on?" Lottie questions with furrowed brows.

"YOU WHAT?" Zach and Daniel practically scream at the brunette. Lottie flinches and presses herself against the aisle. Maybe telling them that wasn't the best of ideas.

"You literally have ice cream in the cart!" Daniel exclaims with wide eyes.

"Yeah, it's for Brooke! She loves it so I make sure to buy a pint every time I go to the store," Lottie explains still cowering slightly.

"You're weird," Daniel mutters, shaking his head.

"SIR I DID NOT ATTACK YOU WHEN YOU SAID YOU DON'T LIKE CHOCOLATE SO WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING ME?" Lottie shouts earning a shrug in response from Daniel. Lottie looks back to the still recording camera with wide eyes.

"I swear to god I'm gonna kill myself," She mumbles, causing Zach to laugh. He's still next to her, pushing the cart with her. "Brooke, Noah's calling you."

"Answer it," Brooke shouts from the end of the aisle. Lottie rolls her eyes before swiping across the screen.

"Yes, Noah?" She questions.

"Hi, we need you guys to post pictures with each other on all four of your Instagrams. We need the fans to get used to you guys. We'll start the dating for one couple tomorrow and the other in a couple of weeks," Noah explains before hanging up on the girl. Lottie brings the phone down before staring at it in shock.

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