Inuyasha x reader

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A book in hand as your eyes scanned each word on the paper. A certain dog demon was calling your name.

"(Y/n)! Hello?!"

You ignored him as he shouted your name from the bottom of the tree. Reading the book as if he weren't even there.

This really bugged him what had he done for you to be so mad? Was it something he said? Something he did? How could he know if you wouldn't tell him?!

He growled starting to climb the tree, out of the corner of your eye you noticed. Sighing you shut the book looking directly at him. As he was Half way up.

"Finally you're giving me your attention!" Though as you stared at him your mouth never moved.

This angered him even more, "(Y/n) what have I done?" His amber eyes held sincerity and concern.

But you couldn't possibly tell him that he'd unknowingly hurt your feelings. By calling you ugly! Especially since you'd been crushing on Inuyasha for a long time!

So the plan came into action, "Inuyasha! How could you eat all the food!?" The dog demon looked at you in confusion.

You shouted louder, "then you have the guts to blame it on Kagome!" Inuyasha suddenly realised what you were doing.

"Hey stop I'm sorry! Please just be quiet!"

But his pleas went unheard, "to think you'd call Kagome fat!" You added a dramatic pose.

Then the school girls voice sounded, "What?!" Inuyasha turned to see her storming over. He immediately started sweating.

Kagome stood tapping her foot, "wait I didn't do or say any of that-"

"He said you look like a weasel." A lie but you wanted him away from you.

Inuyasha glared at you wondering why you tortured him. Kagomes temper flared.

"Oh no."

"Sit boy!"

His necklace glowed and he fell from the tree and straight into the ground. "Ow..." But it wasn't over she said it repeatedly and his face hurt repeatedly.

You went back to reading your book laughing a little.

Inuyasha x reader oneshots (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now