Inuyasha x reader- your of worth to me

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You had been walking head spinning ready to puke at any moments notice. You'd had a bit to drink, your brother insisting you stay for one more.

But you had a habit of wandering when drunk. And this was one of those times. Staggering with each step your field of vision blurring another metre or so.

Upon pushing away tree branches and plants that got in the way. A voice reached your ears. One you weren't firmilair with.

Lacking common sense you went to find out who it was. Inspecting the person you saw a male in a red robe, long silver hair and...ears? This human has dog ears.

"How funny."

You completely disregarded your safety, the male looked surprised by your presence.

"Hey who are you?!"

You didn't reply simply stood in front of him and touched his ears.

"Oh my god their so fluffy!" A light giggle escaped your lips.

"What are you doing?! Don't touch me!"

He slapped your hand away,  you gave a pout, "well someone's no fun."

The male sighed, "what's your name?"

"(Y/n)." You danced like a 4 year old.

"I'm...Inuyasha.." he looked at you bewildered.

"Augh! You reek of alcohol."

"Do I~? I hadn't noticed."

Inuyasha folded his arms to his chest, "no wonder your acting weird."

You twirled around, "hey come join I'm dancing and it'!"

"I'll pass...Kagome would bite my head off if I left you alone."

Suddenly you stopped dancing and fell to your knees, hand clasped over your mouth. Inuyasha showed some concern.

"Are you ok?"

He bent down to your level gripping your shoulder to see if you were all there. At that moment of contact.

You threw up.

All over Inuyasha, he watched on in disgust as a green slop was heaved on to him.

"Oh that's just great!"

He gagged at the vomit slipping off him, "couldn't you have watched where you vomited?!"

You stood up leaning on a tree for balance, "I couldn't keep it down."

Inuyasha dry heaved at the smell and sight of it. "I need to wash myself up."

Inuyasha started to walk off then stopped in his tracks, "shouldn't you head home?"

You sighed a bit, "sure if I wanna be beaten." You gave a forced smile.

Inuyashas face softened, "sorry I didn't realise."

You waved a hand at him, "no worries I'll stay out here!"

He shook his head, "Where demons could kill you?"

You nodded, he arched a brow.

"Humans are idiots."

"I'm fine with dying no one wants me around so this is where I'll rest."

The dog demon looked at you with pity, "do you wanna come with me? There's some friends of mine who can help you."

Thinking about it you thought of how these strangers would also look at you in pity. Just like he did.

Inuyasha x reader oneshots (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now