Koga x reader- a pained existence without you pt2

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He ran his feet stomping into the soil, the monster ahead still had you in its clutches. His breath was quickening worry expanding throughout him.

You tried to squeeze out of its coils.

But a mortal body like yours lacked the strength to do so. Koga ripped into his heart willing himself to go faster.

The jewel shards gleamed brighter with each passing second. Koga's hope to have you in his arms again. Burned with such ferocity.

He caught up slamming a claw down making the earth crumble and shoot up. Hitting the demons soft underbelly.

The snake demon tipped over to the side. It's grip easing a little. But not so you could escape.

It regained it's stance, facing the wolf with such disgust. "You want a fight, I'll give it to you."

The snake charged towards him, Koga scowled claws open and ready.

The thing blasted a white beam like his brother had done. Koga doged it easily.

You were hurting in its coils, every move it made, you choked on a sob. As your wound opened again.

Koga slashed the monster in the eye, it reared seething at him. Koga launched again getting the monster on its side this time. Red obscured his vision it was all he could smell.

His rage blinding him, as he received cuts all over, returning the same to the demon he battled. But in one moment He made a grand error.

He jumped up in the air, bringing his leg down to smash upon it's head. The big snake swung around so Koga would miss.

Sure enough he did, his foot made contact breaking the demons skin.

Coming out the other side.

Still successful in killing it, "Koga!!" He heard your scream.

His eyes widened at your hand grasping the edge of a stone cliff. He raced over, your face was deathly pale, you clutched your wound to stop the bleeding.

He grabbed your wrist as you lost the strength to hold the edge. Tears burned his eyes.

"Give me your other hand (Y/n)!!"

You felt droplets of water wet your skin. He gritted his teeth as he struggled to stop himself from sliding off. Pebbles slid off making a clack as it hit the rock below.

Your body was shaking, you felt so tired. "(Y/n)! Give me your hand!"

You weakly managed to lift it from your wounded stomach. He gripped your other hand so tightl.

Now trying to lift you up, but his feet were sliding. You saw he was struggling. His features hardening as he used his muscles to lift.

"(Y/n) you need to help me here!"

"Koga...let go."

His face went painc stricken, "what?!"


He looked at you as if you had lost all your marbles. "No! I won't I'll get you up! You'll be fine!"

He was blubbering, tears flowing like a river down his cheeks. You felt your eyes water.

"Koga you'll fall too." A sob came out.

"No I won't! I won't!"

He would his toes were curling around the tip of stone protruding out

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He would his toes were curling around the tip of stone protruding out. Straining his muscles.

"I'm sorry...Koga."

He dug his nails in, "no! Don't you dare! I can-"

"I love you." The words left your mouth as you slipped from his grasp. His figure becoming smaller each second, your body was light and the wind whipped your hair.

 His figure becoming smaller each second, your body was light and the wind whipped your hair

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You decended down, a loud thump sounded as your body connected with the hard surface. "Ack!" Saliva flew out of your mouth as you took your last breath.

Koga watched as you lay limp horrified eyes open. Staring back at him lifeless.

Tears spilled out unending, his voice gave out a howl of heartbreak. It rang throughout the forest, he'd never felt so broken in his life.

A pool of crimson surrounded your frame. He raced towards your motionless body.

Making it through some bushes and then to where you'd fallen. He walked to you. Shoulders sagging.

Finally he dropped to his knees, holding you in his arms. You hung limp. He used two fingers to close your eyes. And buried his face in the crook of your neck.

Skin so cold.

His own body shook, shivering with the hollow and empty feeling consuming him.

"I'm..here..my lady."

I hope this is ok😐

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