Inuyasha x reader

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(Like I said before chapters will be short)

Things were tense these past few months. Inuyasha had no idea why you were acting so strange. Everyday you felt the consistent ache of a headache.

Sometimes your body moved of its own accord. Your thoughts were not your own. Your limbs grew weaker and weaker it was an effort just to stand.

You and your friends were sitting down having a picnic. Inuyasha was up to his usual antics, Kagome yelling at him.

Miroku and Sango laughing and Shippo insulting the dog demon. All of sudden their voices sounded muffled and distant. A wave of dizziness enveloped you.

"(Y/n)?" Inuyasha you saw through your blurred vision approached you. Why did it sound like he was underwater?

As soon as Inuyasha touched your arm. A strong force of wind burst from your body. Knocking all your friends back.

You slipped into unconsciousness, allowing for the being inside you take control. Your (e/c) eyes became wholly black.

Inuyasha looked on in total shock, it's voice made yours demonic and not human. Deep and raspy like someone had stripped away it's vocal cords bit by bit.

"Ah Inuyasha I've finally been able to meet you again."

The dog demon drew his Tessaiga the small, skinny blade morphed into a big, shiny sword.

"I thought I got rid of you!"

The thing smiled with your mouth, a smile void of any warmth, any love.

Inuyasha didn't like that this creature had possessed you. He'd fought it before, a thing of shadow. No physical form it latched onto those who were weak of mind. Engulfing them into a world of darkness etched into their own memeories and fears.

He never thought you to be weak though. What could have made you its prey? What made it so easily get ahold of you?

Inuyasha took a fighting stance, "get out of (Y/n)!" He fought the urge to growl.

The creature chuckled, like nails on a chalkboard. Inuyasha's ears rang a tad.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that for this is the perfect vessel to kill you! You care about this puny mortal and she cares for you. So not only will I win at seeing you dead! I'll also make this girl suffer a lifetime of misery!"

Then the growl rumbled loudly from the dogs throat, "You bastard! Taking and innocent people and making them do unforgivable deeds!"

It chuckled again, "do you remember how you thought you killed me last time?"

Inuyashas fingers clenched around the pommel of his sword. He'd had to kill an innocent villager to save his friends and others. His Tessaiga could purify this monster.

"Oh so you do remember! I can sense your guilt! It's lovely."

"Shut up!"

"Hmm, well you failed in killing me obviously I latched onto another body before you got me. That cat was who I possessed it took ages for me to see an opening within your beloved. But thanks to me patiently waiting it came, poor (Y/n) heartbroken by the one she loved all because you played on her feeling with Kagome and Kikyo."

Inuyasha's pupils widened.

"Oh even better you didn't know! She hated herself for her jealously. Love with humans such an easy picking."

"Shut. Up."

The thing continued.

"You know the only way to save her but you can't do it."

"I said shut up dammit!" He lashed out with a wind scar knowing the thing would doge it.

"I'm bored."

Inuyasha heard screams and groans of pain. His friends. He was strangling them all.


The thing laughed and continued.

"Will you save your friends or let them die I wonder?"

His friends called his name.

He couldn't kill (Y/n) he just couldn't! This was all his fault.

"Inu...yasha help." His attention darted to Kagome her life was draining with each second. Along with Miroku, Sango, Shippo and Kirara.

He knew he had no choice.

A tear slipped down his cheek, he knelt to the ground.

"You give up do you? How sad."

The thing drew closer just like he hoped, "now it's time to die."



Inuyasha made no special move just thrusted the blade into your chest. The sword shone and purified the creature from you. It let loose a guttural scream.

And vanished.

Inuyasha removed his sword and sheathed it. Catching you in his arms.

Blood pooled around your frame and dripped from his claws. A big, gaping hole was left in your chest.
Inuyasha heard all his friends take in big gulps of air.

Once they had collected themselves they all come running over and gasped.

Shippo burst into tears, Kagome had water filling up in her eyes as did Sango. Miroku wore a sad expression, Kirara whined.

Sango knelt down to your body, "I'm just going to put some demon healing potion on her wound. It'll close it up."

Even if you were already dead it would make you look better. So he had no objections.

She applied it.

Your cold, pale skin stiched itself, crimson smeared his robes.

He pressed a kiss against your forehead, "I'm sorry."


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