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Hi reader this is my first ever story. I am in 6th grade and I am not a very good writer. Please comment and tell me if you like the story or if it's total nonsense. Enjoy the story;)

7:07 a.m
Jan 17,2019
Before care

They're talking about him again. Caleb Bubar. He's the school's most athletic, handsome, and annoying kid in school. He is in 8th grade and he is more brawn than brains. He has dark wavy hair, dark brown eyes, and a terrible personality. This is the guy that all of the girls are talking about.

Except me. I completely loathe him! He cheats on every test and everyone knows about it. Except for the teachers. But no one has the guts to say anything because,(1) If anyone did tell the teacher, he would come for their lunch money and if they didn't give it to him, he would change from a "cute and handsome prince charming" to a ruthless bully and (2) The teachers love him! They wouldn't believe anyone that would say something like that about him. That's why I don't like him.

But all of the girls do. Literally every girl in my class has a crush on him. They don't ever look on the inside of people. They are just blinded by the muscles and the good looks. That's why I don't hang out with them. That and a lot of other reasons.

I am the polar opposite of most girls. I don't like makeup or shoes or fake nails and nail polish. I'm more into robots and books or video games and basketball. And all they talk about is boring beauty supplies. Do they sound like the type of group I want to hang out with? No! Like I said, polar opposite. But enough about that. I haven't had time to introduce myself yet.

My name is Jacelyn Jones. But my friends call me Jacie. I am twelve years old and I'm a nerd. Don't worry, I'm athletic too. I used to run track but that's it. I'm in 6th grade and my life is pretty boring. That is until that one day when everything in my life suddenly changed.

There you have it. My first ever chapter. Please comment;)

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