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Jan 11, 2019
Hospital room
5:30 am

I woke up to the sound of mom. She was shaking me gently. " Wake up, Jacie. I have to drop you off to school." I groaned. I am not a morning person. I hate waking up before 10:00 am. Therefore I am pretty grouchy when I wake up. But isn't everyone grouchy when they wake up?

Apparently not. Mom was fully awake. She was walking around the room, gathering things for work and for my school. She was even smiling! Despite the fact that dad was laying on the bed in pain.

I rolled off the couch that I was sleeping on. Waking up is the hardest part of my day. It takes a lot of effort to not go back to sleep. Especially if I went to sleep late last night. Which I did. Now it was taking its toll on me. Go back to sleep. Don't go back to sleep. I chose the second decision only because the first decision would get me in trouble. And the second decision is the right thing to do. So I ignored the tiredness, and got ready for the day.

We left the hospital at around 6:10 am. We said goodbye to dad ( even though he couldn't hear us) and we set off into the city life. Traffic was still bad, but not as bad as it normally was. Probably because it was still early in the morning. It's a good thing mom woke us up early.

As we were driving, I went over the events of last night in my head. Dad was eating the Cheetos out of the Cheetos bag. It turned out he ate all of the Cheetos along with some sort of drug that is killing him slowly. Then there's the meeting I had with the others last night. The codes are coordinates to... somewhere. If only we knew what the 2 is for. Maybe we could have a lead.

There was also the problem with Erica. I needed to find out more about her. No one can hide their emotions just because they don't want other people to know how they feel. Something had to happen in order for her to be so distant. She said that it was because feelings get in the way of missions. But I think it's something more than that. I won't be able to get the truth out of her though. So I'll have to ask the others. They might know. They know her better than I do.

We came to the street that my school was in. My mom pulled up to the curb, and I got out. " Jacie!" She called out. I looked back at her. Her eyes were filled with concern and worry. " Be safe." I nodded and headed into the school.


The first class we had was Bible. We always start out with Bible. Then we had our Spelling test. I got another 100 as usual. Then we did English. Then we had lunch. Lunch was loud. Everyone was trying to talk over each other. This resulted in a loud, screaming crowd of kids. So I headed to the most quiet place in the school. The library.

When I walked in, the librarian was behind her desk reading a book. I was thankful for that. The last time I saw the librarian, she was out cold on the floor. She smiled when I walked in. Then returned to her book. The back section of the library had been cleaned up after the incident. Everyone thought the librarian just tripped over the tables and knocked herself out. I wanted to tell them what really happened, but I knew they wouldn't believe me.

I went to the fiction section and found Levi standing there. He was looking at one of the books that I recognized immediately. It was one of my favorite books: Where the Red Fern Grows. I read it when I was in 5th grade.

I walked up to Levi. " That's a very great book. You should read it some time." He turned around and faced me. He smiled his charming smile when he saw that it was me. " I'll look into it. How's your dad?" He asked. I sighed. " He's still resting. But he'll be fine." He nodded. " That's good to hear." We looked at the book in his hands.  It was torn and bent from years of usage.

" I overheard your conversation with Erica last night." He said. I turned to him surprised. " You did? I thought you went with the others?" He nodded. " I did. We all heard your conversation. You guys were only a few feet away. It's not like the hallways are soundproof." I looked at him wondering how in the world I never thought about that.

" Erica wasn't always like this. She used to be social with another boy. But he turned against her and fought for the bad guys. She learned from a young age that people are liabilities and that they can't be trusted." Levi said. He put the book back and sighed.

" We have been trying to tell her that friends aren't liabilities and that they can be assets. But she won't believe us. All because of that one evil boy. She used to have a crush on him. They were both pretty close. But then he turned into an evil maniac, and she turned into a distant and cold fighting machine. She hasn't trusted anyone ever since. But she seems to have a soft spot for me, you, the others, and of course her family. Because of Ben." He said. I looked at him confused. " Ben?" I repeated. " Why Ben?" I asked.

" When Ben got recruited to Spy School, he saw how Erica was and tried to thaw the ice around her heart a little. It worked only a little bit. But she has opened up over the past few months. I'm surprised she even answered your question. If it were someone else, she probably would have just walked away. But she seems to have a soft spot for you. Which means that she's starting to show a lot more emotion than what she normally does." He said. I nodded. It all made perfect sense now. " What was the boy's name." I asked.

" Joshua Hallal. He works for SPYDER." I nodded. So Erica wasn't just doing the mission to save the country. She was doing it because it was personal. She wanted to bring down the organization and her evil ex-boyfriend.

The school bell rang. It was time to go to math. Levi was in that class too. " Well. Time to go." He said.


When we got to math, we quickly took a seat in the 6th row. Mr. Chad, our math teacher, can't see past the third row. His eyesight was terrible! A bat could probably see better than him. Everyone took a seat in the rows farthest from the third row. That way they can whisper to each other while not paying attention to the teacher. This is why no one learns anything in math.

" Today we will learn how to multiply decimals and whole numbers. Let's begin with a simple problem." Mr. Chad began. He started writing on the chalk board.

15.23 x 4=?

"Who can solve this problem?" He asked. He looked mainly at the people at the front. Those are the unlucky people that came in late. All of the chairs were taken in the last three rows. Mr. Chad shook his head disapprovingly.

" No one can answer this problem because no one is paying attention. I'll do the first problem and then I will call on someone. Whether you raise your hand or not." He said. He solved the problem while everyone else just continued whispering.

" There. Now who can solve this? This one will be tricky." He wrote another problem on the board.


I froze. The problem looked exactly like the two codes. Except there were no letters. But the 2 is what caught my attention. If there is a number in parentheses thats beside another number, that usually means you multiply the number outside the parentheses by the number inside the parentheses.

Then it hit me. I knew what the two was for the code. I knew how to solve the code. Levi noticed my shock.

" What's wrong?" He asked.

I looked at him. " I just figured out how to solve the codes." I said.

Hope you enjoyed. See you soon!

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