The plan

116 6 3

Jan 10, 2019
Time Unknown
Location also unknown

I woke up to the sound of voices. I only heard two people. I recognized one of them.

" Why did you do that?!" One voice screamed. It was Levi.

" You could have hurt her!" He went on angrily. I've never heard him yell before. Levi is always calm and his voice is always soft. He's usually the one that calms down other people when they're mad or frustrated. He's not the type of person that gets mad at other people.

" Relax. I only knocked her out. It's not like I killed her or anything. She should be waking up any minute now." Another voice said. This one was a girl. She sounded bored and slightly annoyed.

" This wasn't the plan. The plan was to tie her to the chair, introduce her to you and Ben, and tell her what our mission is. Not knock her out!" Levi said.

Tie me to the chair? I tried to move my hands and feet. They were all tied tightly together with a rope. My hands were behind my back. I could feel the back of the cold wooden chair I was sitting on. Both of my feet were tied to the legs of the chair.

I had so many questions tumbling around in my head. Where was I? What time was it? Who is Levi talking to? Who is Ben? And why would my best friend tie me to a chair?

" No. The plan was to sneak into the building, find Jacelyn and put her in a spot where she can't run away, tell her about us and the mission, and get out without being seen." The girl said.

Sneak into the building? Then, everything came back to me. The note. The cafeteria. The FYEO folder. Levi's mission.

My eyes snapped open. I looked up and saw three people in front of me. Levi was in the middle them. He was still yelling at the other girl.

" Still! We didn't agree on knocking her out. We only had to tie her to the chair. No harm done!" Levi said angrily.

There was another boy to his left. He had dark brown eyes and brown curly hair. He had on jeans and a black jacket. He was sitting in the other chair across from me. He didn't notice that I had regained consciousness yet. He was too focused on the argument that was going on between Levi and the other girl.

" And how exactly did you plan on doing that? Ask her to sit down so you can tie her to the chair?" The other girl asked. She was unlike any other teenage girl I've ever seen. She looked like a ninja. She was dressed in all black from head to toe. She had a utility belt strapped around her waist. She had almost an entire arsenal on that thing! She had weapons ranging from a pocket knife to a hand grenade.

Does she even know how to use all of those weapons? I thought. I looked up to see the girl's face. She looked like a model off of a magazine. She had raven black hair and flawless skin. But her most outstanding feature were her ice blue eyes. She turned her head and met my gaze. Her cold emotionless stare could make a flower wither up and die. It could haunt anyone in their dreams. It actually made me shiver a bit.

" She's awake." She said. Both of the boys turned around and completely forgot about the argument. Levi came closer to me.

" Are you ok Jacie?" He asked worriedly. All of the rage he had felt against the other girl quickly disappeared. He was now the calm person that I knew.

" I'm fine." I lied. I actually wasn't ok. My head was pounding! And the heat in the room wasn't helping. The ropes were also uncomfortable. They seemed to get tighter every time I moved.

" Oh good! You're not hurt." Levi said relieved. " Sorry about that. I didn't know Erica was going to knock you out. I only thought she was going to hold you down into the chair while I tied you." He explained.

I looked back at the girl. I'm guessing her name was Erica. She stared at me with her cold expression. I shivered again. This time, Levi noticed.

" Are you cold?" He asked, unaware of what actually made me shiver.

" No." I replied. " But I am getting a little hot. Can you take these things off?" I asked gesturing towards the ropes. Levi looked to Erica. Erica hesitated for a moment. Then she came towards me and pulled out a knife from her utility belt. As she came near, I noticed an aroma that emitted from her. It smelled like lilacs and gunpowder. My dad used to work in the Army. He would take me to the shooting range sometimes and teach me how to shoot. That's how I learned what the smell of gunpowder was.

Erica brought the knife over her head and stabbed it into the rope. The rope cut free and I moved my hands and feet trying to wake them up. They had fallen asleep after staying still for so long.

" Is that better?" Erica asked coldly.

I nodded my head. " Yes." I replied.

Erica put her knife back into its sheath.

" Good. Now let's talk business."

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