One hour

77 4 0

Date unknown
Time unknown
Location also unknown

I woke up and saw that I was tied to yet another chair. My hands were handcuffed together and my feet were also handcuffed together. They tied a rope around my waist so I couldn't move. I also felt a soft sensation in my mouth. I tried to speak, but I couldn't because the soft sensation in my mouth was a rag that was shoved into my mouth so that I couldn't speak. My shoulder was screaming in pain. I forgot that it was still broken.

I heard a groan that sounded like it was coming from behind me. I turned around and tried to see who it was. It was only then that I realized where I was at.

I was in my school.

I recognized the blue and green hallways. We were right outside the library. The hallways were dark, but I could see just fine thanks to the moonlight coming in through the windows.

The person behind me was my mom. She was also tied to a chair. We were sitting back to back. We were tied together with the same rope.

" Mom? Are you ok?" I asked. She lifted her head up and groaned again. I could feel her pain. Literally.

" Jacie? Is that you?" She asked. I could hear panic and worry inside her voice.

" Yes. It's me." I said. I heard her sigh in relief. " Ok. Good."

A moment of silence passed between us.

" Jacie, do you know who those guys are?" Mom asked. I sighed. Right now would be the perfect time to tell her the truth. " I think I know who those guys are. They're the bad guys." I said. Mom sounded confused. " The bad guys? What are you talking about?" She asked.

" Remember when you asked me how my day was a few days ago and I said that it was interesting?" I asked.

" Yes." Mom replied. " Well, it was interesting because I did meet new people, but I also got chosen to help Levi on a top secret mission from the CIA." I said.

Mom stayed silent. So I went on. " I got knocked out by one of Levi's comrades. They tied me to a chair, and they told me why I couldn't tell anyone about them. Then, I realized the time and I hurried to the main entrance to get to you in time. They followed us home." I said.

Now mom spoke. " Wait a minute. They followed us home!?" She asked.

" Yes. They used one of the school vans. Remember that van that cut in front of us while we were driving home?" I asked.

" Yes." She said.

" Well, that was them. They were the ones swerving in and out of the lanes." I said.

" How old are your friends?" Mom asked.

" Levi is 12. Our other friends are close to our age. Ben is 13, Mike is 13, and I think Zoe might be 12 or 13. I can't remember her age. Erica is 15, I think." I explained.

" They're all teenagers!?" Mom yelled. She was clearly upset about the whole situation.

" Yes. But, we have coverage provided by the CIA. They have our backs." I said.

Then, the loudspeakers came on.

" They won't have your backs for long." A cold voice said from the speakers. It was the same guy from the hospital.

" In fact, they never had your backs. The CIA doesn't care about sending juveniles out on perilous missions. They just do it to use you as bait. They don't care if you get hurt or killed. They just use you to lure us in so that the real agents can do the professional work, and get the credit for it. You and your team are just pawns." He said.

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