
107 4 3

Jan 10, 2019
4:50 pm

Dad was sitting on the couch and watching TV when we got home. He had a bag of Cheetos in his hands. It was almost empty. I stared at the bag confused. We just bought that bag of Cheetos. It's a family sized bag! How in the world is he almost finished with it? I thought. Mom noticed this too.

" Bill! Did you just eat all of the Cheetos in one day!?" She yelled. Dad desperately tried to hide the bag. " No!" He said. Although it was very clear that he was lying. There were crumbs all over the front of his shirt, his fingers were caked in orange, and we already saw the bag he was trying to hide.

Mom sighed. She has been trying to keep dad on a healthy diet ever since he retired from the Army. It hasn't worked out very well. He snacks every half hour, and his stomach doubles in size every month. He might be the size of a hippo by the end of this year.

" Bill, hand me the bag." She said. Dad reluctantly handed it to her. There was no point in lying now. We already knew. Mom took the bag. " Next time, ask me first before you-" She opened up the bag and gasped. I looked in and gasped too. There weren't any chips in it. Instead, there was a plastic bag with white powder in it.

That's when dad collapsed.

He fell out of the couch and hit his head on the floor, knocking himself out.

" Dad!" I yelled. " Bill!" Mom yelled. We rushed over to him and tried to wake him up. He wouldn't budge. Mom checked his pulse. " His heart is beating very fast. And he feels hot." She said. " Jacie, call 911." She ordered. I quickly did what she told me to do. I dialed 911 and waited. They picked up on the third ring.

" 911, what's your emergency?" A lady with a stern voice asked.

Mom grabbed the phone from me. " Hello? This is Jessie Jones. My husband has collapsed and he knocked himself out." She explained the rest to the lady. I wasn't paying any attention to her. I was more focused on dad. He was breathing really fast.

No. I thought. This can't be happening. Please no. I was getting close to tears. Dad is one of the closest people to me. It hurt to see him like this.

" Please hurry." Mom said into the phone. She was already crying.

" Hurry."


Dad was rushed to the hospital as soon as the ambulance got there. They placed an oxygen mask over his face and connected him to a heart monitor. His pulse was spiking rapidly. We rode with him all the way to the nearest hospital.

They rushed him to a hospital room and went right to work. Mom and I had to wait outside. Mom was hugging me and crying. I was crying too.

"It's going to be ok, Jacie." She said. I couldn't believe what was happening. Dad couldn't have been doing drugs. It's not like him. He's the one that taught me not to do drugs.

The doctor walked out and explained his condition.

" I'm afraid he'll have to stay here for a while. He has been poisoned with some type of drug. It's damaging his heart and his temperature is spiking. But he'll make it." He said. I let out a sigh of relief. My dad was going to live.

We sat at the hospital for another hour. I texted Levi and said, Cancel the meeting. Something came up. Maybe we can meet tomorrow?

I waited for a reply.

What happened?, He asked.

I explained the entire thing to him. Tears rolled down my eyes as I typed. I never felt so broken down in my life. When I finally hit the send button, the front of my entire face was wet with tears. It took him a bit longer to reply.

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