A schocking discovery

116 7 1

Jan 10, 2019
3:52 pm
The Cafeteria

" Levi!" I yelled. I ran up and hugged him with so much force, I almost knocked him over. Levi chuckled.

" Hello to you too." He said. His voice sounded tired.

Levi has been my best friend ever since kindergarten. He has bright green eyes and dark curly hair. He is twelve years old and in the same grade as me. We see each other in math and history class. He's been out of school a lot lately. I was afraid he might have been sick. But he looked entirely fine to me.

Levi is a really nice guy. He always gets good grades and he always tells the truth. The only thing bad about him is his allergies. He is allergic to almost everything! Dust, peanuts, dogs, cats, you name it! His parents are soooo overprotective of him. They have ten epipens. They provided Levi with two of them just in case.

Luckily for Levi he doesn't have to use them. His doctors prescribed him a vaccination that enables him to be immune to certain allergies for seven hours. So all he has to do is inject himself with it every seven hours. If you inject him and put him in a room full of dust, he won't cough or sneeze. Cool right? But it's only for certain allergies. If you inject him and feed him peanuts, he would start choking. That's what the epipens are for.

" Where have you been?" I asked.

Levi hesitated for a moment. Then, he said the most craziest thing in the entire world.

" I'm a spy." He said. " Don't tell anyone." He quickly added.

I couldn't contain my shock. Levi. A spy? It was a little hard to believe. But then, it kind of made sense. It explains why he's been absent for weeks and why no one's heard from him.

Something seemed odd about this. Usually in the movies you aren't supposed to tell anyone you're a spy. Why is Levi telling me this?

" Why are you telling me this? Aren't you supposed to keep things like this a secret?" I asked.

" Yes." He replied. " I am breaking many security protocols for telling you this." He went on. " But I have a reason for it." He said.

I suddenly felt uneasy. I had a feeling that his reason might be very dangerous and pretty exciting. Turns out, it was both.

" I need your help." He said calmly. " I have spent weeks on this mission and it's not turning out well for me. I've only gotten a few leads." He said. And with that, he pulled out a vanilla-colored folder from inside of his backpack. It had the words FYEO on the cover of it.

For your eyes only, I thought. I've seen folders like these in all of the different movies I've watched. It usually had information about the mission inside of it.

" This will tell you everything about the mission. What you need to do, where you need to go, and most importantly, what information you need to retrieve." He explained. He handed me the folder.

I took a deep breath and thought about what troubles I'll get into for doing this. I didn't want to be part of Levi's mission, but I also didn't want to let Levi down. And I most certainly did not want his mission to fail.

So I took the folder, and I opened it.

It was empty.

Then, I got hit in the back of my head, and everything went dark.

Ohhh. What happens next? Hope you liked it. Please comment;)

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