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Jaejoong looked at the clock on his laptop in front of him. Leaning back into the chair he put the phone on the desk where he was sitting. Shifting in the chair to see the screen of the laptop, he titled the screen a little bit forward. He watched intently that he didn't feel Junsu's presence behind him from where he was standing at the doorway.

Jaejoong leaned his head his on his closed fist on the arm of the desk chair. His lips moved alongside with the person on the screen, he closed his eyes to let the notes sink into his brain.

Junsu disappeared from the doorway and moved back into his bedroom as quietly as possible.

Jaejoong sighed closing the laptop and pushed himself out from the desk and stood up. He grabbed the laptop and his phone and walked out of the Study/Music room.

Junsu came out of the bedroom "What you doing?" he asked following Jaejoong into the living room. He stopped at the entrance of the kitchen to fix his belt.

Jaejoong smiled "Nothing really" he replied putting his laptop on the chaise and leaned against it.

Junsu finished with his belt. "Don't stop what you were doing."

Jaejoong waved his arm to dismiss him "I'm finished"

Junsu nodded "Okay" he said putting his hands on his hips. "How do I look?" he asked holding his arms out. He wore a white striped shirt which was tucked into his dark blue pinstriped trousers. He rolled his eyes as Jaejoong shrugged instead of an answer.

"You're a lot of help" he said walking over to the entrance of the apartment to look through his shoes.

Jaejoong opened the fridge to get a bottle of water from the door "Does it matter he won't be looking at your clothes" he took a sip of water and walked round the kitchen back over to the chaise "He would be figuring out to get you out of them" he smirked.

Junsu left his shoes by the entrance. Walking over to the kitchen stall to get his beige trench coat. "Ya" he cried.

Jaejoong shrugged sitting down on the chaise and switching the TV on. "I'm telling it how it is" he stated. "You're going to be late if you don't hurry."

Junsu put the coat over his arm "Your right" he stated. He stood behind the chaise as he put his keys and wallet in his pocket.

"About what." Jaejoong leaned his head back "Yoochun undressing you with his eyes or you being late to said undressing."

Junsu exasperated tapping Jaejoong on his forehead.

"Ya" Jaejoong cried. "What was that for?" Jaejoong stated rubbing his forehead.

"Well I'm off then" Junsu said walking to his shoes. "I won't be coming back to the apartment so when you leave you need to lock up and the keys are on the side." Holding onto the wall while he slipped his dress shoes on.

"Hey Junsu."


"Happy anniversary" Jaejoong smiled.

Junsu looked up and grinned "Thank you Jae-hyung."

Jaejoong shrugged.

Junsu stood straight and looked over at him with his hand on the front door handle "It's okay to miss them."

Jaejoong looked away back to the screen.

Junsu opened the door "Don't watch memories all night" he turned to the door. He looked down at the floor before shutting the door behind when he left.

Jaejoong listened to Junsu let out a huge sigh before he left. He covered his eyes with both hands with his elbows on his knees. He never liked to ignore either Junsu or Yoochun if they ever bought the other two up. They had each other and there was Jaejoong feeling like the third wheel in the middle. Jae always hated to hear the sigh that created hurt in the other two because no matter what they did Jaejoong could never stop causing the hurt.

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