Battle Of The Fittest

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Me: Here it is, the next chapter.

Hope you like it.



With Dazzling Sunsets

The rest of Dazzling Sunsets got to Dusk in record time by running, going into super speed. They had 10 minutes left on the clock. They transformed and Dusk looked at Shimmer Prime.

"So, what's the plan," she asked, trying her best to stay calm.

"Here's the plan. We attack the Decepticons one at a time. We will pick the one we want to fight, but Megatron to me," Shimmer said.

"Leave Megatron to you? Why? Leader against the leader," Blaze asked.


But Shimmer knew the real reason why. She didn't want one of her friends to get hurt or worse by fighting Megatron. He is an unbeatable gladiator for Primus sake! Ain't no way she letting her friends fight him if she could help it!

"But what about the Autobots and humans? We can't leave them in that cage. Including the yell..." Dusk stopped talking.

Dazzle stared at her and asked, "Including the what, Dusk."

Dusk turned her head, "For forget it. It's nothing."

"Nothing my aft," Blaze said.

"Enough," Shimmer said in a commanding voice. They stopped.

"About the Autobots in the cage. Dusk, you said there was a cod panel next to the door," Dusk nodded and Shimmer looked at Dazzle, "Dazzle, you're the hacker of the group. I want you to hack that panel."

"Got it, Shimmer."

"But won't the Decepticons notice her doing it," Dusk asked.

Shimmer smiled, "No. You see. They won't notice cause they won't be able to see."

Her friends gave her confused looks.

"Can't see," Blaze said.

"We will sing a song and they will not be able to see us. The Autobots too cause I don't want them to see us just yet. While they can't see, Dazzle will hack the code panel and then we will help the Autobots out," Shimmer smirked.

"But, won't the Autobots struggle when we touch them. They won't be able to see us," Dusk says.

"They will know. Trust me," Shimmer said.

The other femmes looked at each other, smiled, looked back at Shimmer, and nodded.

Shimmer checked her inner clock, "5 minutes left. Oh!"

Shimmer looked at her friends.

"The Decepticons won't hesitate to attack us even though they can't see us. So, in that case, don't be afraid to fight back."

Shimmer looks at the direction of where the Autobots and humans were.

"All right. Let's go burn off some steam."

The femmes ran to where the Autobots and humans are. When they got there, they saw Megatron walk up to the Autobots and humans.

"Your minute is almost up Autobots and insects. Any last words," Megatron snarked.

They saw the Autobots and humans glared at him.

"Suit yourselves," Megatron says.

Megatron was just about to press the button when the Auto Sirens started to sing.

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