On The Battlefield

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Autobot Base

Lita waited anxious, glancing at the communication controls on the computer Ratchet was in front of. Any moment now. Any moment Soundwave would call and report his findings and join them. What was taking him so long? He didn't get caught? Please by Primus tell Lita that he didn't get caught. Soundwave should have reported back by now.

Then, at that moment, the communication system went off. Someone was trying to talk to them. Everyone gathered around, wanting to know who it was. Lita lifted her head up, hopeful and walked to stand next to her Sire and sister.

After Optimus gave the okay, Ratchet pressed the button to connect them to the speaker.

"Autobots, it's me. The one who helped you save Lita."

The Autobots looked at each other while Lita smiled, reminding Soundwaves voice.

"Why are you contacting us? Something happens," Optimus asked.

"Yes. I have more information from a contract within the Decepticons who also wishes a second chance. It's about Megatron."

"Care to tell us," Ultras Magus said.

"I will, but can you bring me to your base? I am hiding from the Decepticons since Megatron wants me dead for betraying him. Not only that, I grew to care for Lita as I said. And while the Decepticons haven't found me yet, I don't think my luck can last for much longer."

Optimus hummed, thinking about this. Glancing over at Lita, he saw Lita look at him hopefully. Seeing what his daughter wanted, Optimus nodded.

"Very well. Give us your location and we'll open up a ground bridge," Optimus says.

"Thank you."

After the male gave them the location he was in, Ratchet caught off the communication and opened up a ground bridge. When the Cybertronian finally walked through, whoever it was that the Autobots, Dazzling Sunsets, and the humans were expecting was not who they thought to walk through.

"Soundwave," Lita exclaimed, running forward and hugging Soundwave, "I was getting worried. You were taking so long and I thought you've been caught! What took you so long?"

Soundwave jerked his head up, lifting his faceplate. Everyone gasped at seeing his face.

"Well, I did have to hide. Megatron wants my head for betraying him. I had to hide and make sure it was safe before I tried connecting you. Not only that, Megatron sent Seekers after me, so I had to deal with them."

Lita looked worried, but Soundwave shook his head.

"Don't be worried. I'm not injured. I'm fine. Through," Soundwave looked Lita over, "Glad to see that your mind is your own again."

Lita beamed, but before she could speak, Optimus walked forward, drawing the attention to him.

"Soundwave, I didn't expect the one to have helped us was you. You stole the Shadow Specter and threw it to me. Thank you for helping me save my daughter," Optimus said.

Soundwave nodded.

"I'll be honest with you Prime. In the beginning, I felt nothing to your daughter. No love, no care, just nothing. However, Lita was able to have moments where she was in control even though she did not know it herself. I grew to care for Lita every time we talked. I grew to care for her so much that I feared what would happen to her if Megatron found out. I knew he planned on killing her, and I was afraid of that.

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