It's Not Over

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Me: So, how many of you are happy that Lita is free?

Well, I'm glad that means Mega Power is no more.

Now, I hope you guy's like this chapter!


Autobot Base

Lita smiled as she watched the Autobots celebrate her return. When she got here, she met the humans, who were eager to meet her. When she met Faith, she was very hesitant about what the young child would do.

Instead, the young girl smiled at her and said, "Why should I blame you? Mega Power was the one who killed the murders of my family. Even though they will never know prison, at least they got what they deserved."

Lita was overwhelmed and lucky Tima felt that because she changed the subject. Optimus did ask Lita who threw him the Shadow Staff since he didn't see who, but Lita was closed lipped and said that the time wasn't right to reveal who it was, but she will soon.

Still, with her newly regain freedom and everyone happy about her return, Lita needed to, as humans call it, get some air.

So, here she was, sitting down on the top of the base looking up at the moon. She was up here for about a couple minutes when she heard footsteps coming up to her before stopping behind her.

"So, this is where you ran off too," Optimus said, moving to sit next to his daughter.

Lita smiled, nodding her head. Optimus made an amused huffed, looking at Lita, who still was looking at the moon. He understood why she was doing that. The moon was a mesmerizing sight to those who haven't seen it for a long time or not at all.

"A lot on your mind," Optimus asked.

Lita didn't answer, but the frown that came to her face gave Optimus the answer instead. Optimus didn't say anything, only waited to hear what Lita had to say. Finally, after a couple of minutes, Lita spoke.

"It's hard. I was in nothing but darkness and Mega Power enjoy toying with me every chance she got. I knew nothing about what was going on out here, only some memories and visions that didn't make sense. When Tima came, she only confused me more as well as enlighten some things to me," Lita says.

She sighed, shaking her head, "I don't even know how to fight, never been taught and yet, every skill Mega Power had I now have. I even have her memories and to tell you, they are a nasty bunch. With that and the sudden freedom I have and being reunited with my family, it's just so...I don't to humans put it? Oh, unbreathable."

Optimus smiled, shaking his head.

"While it is disheartening about you having Mega Power's memories, at least you can finally make yours. That and we are glad you are safe and back with us. Even the humans, some of the Autobots here, and the Auto Sirens, who you haven't just met today."

Lita chuckled, "Glad to have your family back, huh? And I see the way you look at Shimmer, it's the same way you used to look at Carrier."

Optimus stuttered, actually stuttered, making Lita laugh. Optimus huffed but smiled nonetheless at hearing his daughter laugh. After her laughing fit, Lita calmed down and turned to her Sire at last.

"It's great being free. I enjoy it," but then Lita frowned, "But I've spent so long alone in that darkness of my own mind, it's just, so hard to believe that I'm here now."

Optimus watched as his daughter turned to look back at the moon with tears starting to come to her eyes as she remembered the obviously painful time locked inside her own mind. Optimus wondered what he could do to make her see it was alright now. Then, remembering what Sunset and her friends do him made get an idea. Even though he knew that it was unheard of him to do so, Lita was his daughter, his family, so doing it for her was something he wouldn't mind doing.

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