Loss And Family

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Me: If your an old reader of mine of this story, I suggest you go back and reread the story and the last two story chapters I put up. I reposted them to chapters the AN's were on.

This story also on Wattpad if you have an account on there too.

Also, a little warning that this chapter is a little hard on Faith.

So, without any further undo, let's get into reading.


Faith's Home

Faith took a deep breath, nervous as she stared at the door of her house. It's been a full two days and three nights since she ran away from home. She was kinda nervous about being home. She didn't know what was gonna happen.

The Dazzling Sunsets stood next to her, having Tima drop them off so she could take Raf to base.

"You want us to go in with you," Sonata asked, worried.

Faith shook her head, "No, I'll go in by myself."

"We'll wait outside," Adagio said, crossing her arms.

"Yell if you need us," Aria stated.

"We're here if you need us," Sunset added.

Faith smiled, giving them a nod before walking up to the door and knocked. No answer. She knocked again after a couple of seconds. No answer, no noise on the other side of the door, or any sign someone was home. Faith glanced back at Dazzling Sunsets, confused, before turning back to the door, turning the handle.

Stepping inside, Faith looked around. The house was dark, no light was on, Faith couldn't see a thing. Feeling the wall, the searched for the light switch. After finding the light, Faith turned on the light and gasped.

The house was in disarray, the couch was overturned, selves on the floor, papers everywhere. Every placed Faith looked there were a disaster and a mess. Knowing her parents would never have let this happen, and even if they did, they would have cleaned it up, Faith knew something was very wrong.

"Mom! Dad! Josh! Maggie!"

When no answer came, fear came to Faith as she turned to look outside.

"Girls! Somethings wrong! The house looks like it's been robbed and my parents aren't answering!"

Hearing the fear in Faith's voice and what she said, Sunset, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata ran into the house. Seeing the house in disarray, Sonata pulled Faith to her.

"Look around," Sunset ordered.

Sunset went left, going to search Faith's room, Adagio searching Maggie's room along the bathroom, Aria went to search the kitchen, Sonata and Faith went to look at the closest, Josh's room, and Faith's parents, John's and May's room.

Sunset, Sonata, Adagio, and Faith found nothing coming to stand at the hallways and doorways, looking at each other. Shaking their heads to silently tell they found no one, Sunset saw that Aria had yet to come out of the kitchen.

"Aria! You okay," Sunset called out, walking towards the kitchen.

Before Sunset entered the kitchen, Aria came out, looking pale and shaken.

"Aria, you okay? You're pale," Sonata said, concerned.

"What's wrong," Adagio asked.

Sunset walked over to Aria, glancing down at Aria's hands that were shaking too much that her entire arm shook. And the hands were covered in something wet and red. It was only one thing.

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