Be Thankful

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Me: Hey there!

We are so close!

I don't really know if I'm gonna be able to finish it this month, but I'm gonna try my best!

Also, since it's been a while since I did this in an early chapter and I want to try getting used and to remember doing this: Disclaimer, I do not own Transformers Prime. I only own my characters.

Go ahead and read!


Autobot Base

Aria watched as Ratchet moved around the Med Bay, making sure everything was in place so if anyone was injured severely in the battle they could find it. Aria decided to stay out of Ratchet's way since she didn't know where everything was and didn't want to get in the way. So she was leaning against the wall.

"Not taking any chances," Aria stated.

Ratchet paused in his work to glance at her and explained, "Yeah. I'm not gonna let everyone die because I'm too busy looking for something that's buried."

Aria hummed, knowing the logic behind the answer. Ratchet closed the door to the cabinet but did remove his hand as he thought about what he was gonna say. Turning his head, Ratchet looked at the medic to the Auto Sirens.

"Aria, what made you what to become a medic? What drove you?"

Aria froze, the question shocking her as she didn't expect it. But the question was gonna pop up some time, she just didn't expect it to be right now. Still, Ratchet asked so she might as well give an answer.

Aria sighed and leaned her head against the wall.

"I had a little brother. His name was Friz Star. We were close when we were younger. We were actually twins. When we were twelve, Friz came down with an illness. Our parents were poor so they couldn't give him the medical attention he needed. By the time they raised enough money, it was too late to save him. He ended up dying in his sleep."

"Oh, Aria, I'm so sorry," Ratchet said.

Aria smirked and opened her eyes, looking at Ratchet.

"Why? There's no need. You weren't there," Aria said, "Now, how about you? What drove you to become a medic?"

"Well, the war kinda took choices from everyone, but I became a medic because I saw Autobots getting injured left and right. I'm also the medic that tried to heal Bumblebee's voice box, but I couldn't," Ratchet told.

"Ratchet, I'm sorry," Aria said.

"You weren't there," Ratchet smirked.

Aria laughed and Ratchet joined in. It felt good to unwind. With the battle coming up they've been so tense. It felt good to laugh.



Autobots and Decepticons fought each other like they always did in the war. From one end of the battlefield to the other was filled with Autobots and Decepticons fighting. Shot after shot, blade after blade, fist after fist. There seemed to be no end to this.


The shout shocked everyone that they all stopped. Looking, everyone watched as a femme stood up on a broken piece of a building. Lita looked around at everyone. This had to stop. Everyone had to know the truth about Megatron and the fallout of this war if they continued.

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