Cyan And Soft Blue

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Me: Disclaimer, I do not own Transformers Prime. I only own my characters.

The battle has come!

Hope you enjoy it!



Shimmer and Optimus were successful in getting into the Nemesis, looking for Megatron. They lost their element of surprise when they happened open some Decepticons, which sounded an alarm and had every Decepticon in the vessel looking for them.

Optimus and Shimmer had their battle mask on, blades out and their blasters, slashing and firing away. Growling, Shimmer looked around and saw that they didn't have a choice of staying. They had to leave or they would be overwhelmed, no matter how skilled they were. Looking at Optimus, Shimmer saw he had the same thoughts about getting out of this battle zone and to Megatron.

"Optimus, let's get out of here! We're wasting time," Shimmer exclaimed.

"I agree. Let's find Megatron," Optimus stated.

Both of them used their blasters to shoot and path through the wave of Decepticons. Once free of the swarm, the two ran off, the Decepticons chasing them. Optimus spotted some Energon block up ahead and when they ran past it, he twisted and fired at the block, provoking an explosion that made the ceiling and wall collapse.

The Decepticons were forced to stop as their path was blocked. Optimus and Shimmer shared a look and slowed down, sped walking instead. With the threat of being swarmed taken care of, for now, they went on their business of finding Megatron.



Lita looked at the charging Autobots and Decepticons. While many others are attacking other places that are loyal to Megatron. However, she felt the one place that one Decetipcon who was loyal to Megatron to matter what was left to her and her alone.


Looking up, Lita spotted Shockwave looking down from where he was on the balcony and glaring at him. Shockwave watched as Autobots and Decepticons fought against Megatron's'. Looking down further, Shockwave saw Lita looking up at him. Shockwave glared, Lita had all this power and skill that was formally Mega Power's, but now that she was an Autobot again, she was a deadly force that had to be removed.

Lita looked to her right, Soundwave was standing next to her. Looking to her left, Ultra Magus and Wheeljack. Lita nodded and the three of them ran into battle, hopefully for the last time. Lita looked back up at Shockwave.

Smiling, she decided to sing a song from a movie she sped watched while she was on Earth.

"Game over. There are no rules in this game except win at any costs," Lita spoke, closing her eyes.

The time has come once and for all.

You've met your match, you will fall.

Opening her eyes, Lita looked up at Shockwave. She raised a hand pointed at Shockwave, giving him a glare.

This little game we play is gonna break us down.
Only one of us can wear the crown.

Shockwave huffed, his red eye staring Lita in an unimpressed matter. Lita took out her blades, staring at a big scarp metal that led to where Shockwave was.

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