v. Him

108 15 3

I just stand there debating

Debating until an old lady comes up to me.

I don't even notice her presence

Till she's screaming something in my face.

And that's when I decide,

I've had enough.

She's the only reason I even come here anymore.

I don't have to.

I don't need to.

But I do.

For her, I do.

And I can't just stand here, missing every chance I get,

Not anymore.

I can't.

I won't.

I excuse myself from the poor old lady,

Apologizing under my breath,

An apology sounding vague, 

Even to my own ears,

As I make my way across the library,

And to the bookshelf,

I know she'll be looking at.

I see her running her hands across the books,

Her eyes continually searching,

And seeing her that way,

I find myself hesitating,

The burst of confidence slowly fading

Into nothingness.

Maybe I should go back to where I belong,

But what if here,

Right here, beside her,

Is where I belong?

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