xiii. Him

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Her fingers are cold against mine

Her touch lighting a fire inside.

I look up momentarily

Only to find, those grey eyes,

Staring back into my blue ones.

The redness in her cheeks, 

Must reflect the one in mine,

Her lips are slightly parted, 

And they tempt me,

Challenge me,

Cause an overwhelming desire, hard to resist,

And then just like that, it;s gone,

The contact broken.

The touch lost.

And slowly the moment fades away,

As she  takes the book in her hand,

Avoiding eye contact,

Ignoring my presence,

Or trying to, her clumsy actions say otherwise.

And then she gets up with such a suddeness, 

She almost falls back against the rack,

And I jump up and grab her arm, 

To keep her from falling.

And once again I feel,

The coolness of her skin against mine.

And once again I smell,

The lavender and rose of her fragrance.

And once again I look,

Into those captivating eyes.

And once again I fall,

This time,

Harder than ever before.

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