Love You Too- Sal x Ghost!Reader

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Warning: This chapter contains the following;
•Blood & Gore
•Possible Angst

I smiled as Sally and Larry both pushed eachother around, testing to see who would fall off the thin base board with in one of the 5th floor apartments.

I couldn't deny, ever since I moved to Addison apartments, things have been anything but normal. Yet I also can't deny that these years have been the best of my life...

These boys... they were everything to me. My past, Presesnt and Furture laid with them. We had been through everything, ghosts, murderers, cults and yet our friendship still rose above.

All honesty, I would give my life for them without a second thought.

While the boys laughed and played, I got a sudden chill down my back, as if someone was staring at me. Turning around, I jumped back in shock and fear as a dark man stepped out of the shadowed doorway.

Instantly the boys stopped and slowly crept closer to me and the man. "They're all gone... no one left... nothing more than bone and dust..." the mysterious man muttered, shuttering and his hand clasped tightly around the silver pistol in his hand.

"Hey dude... are you alright?" Asked Larry cautiously. The man couldn't seem to hear him as he continues to mutter and shake his head, eyes swirling with insanity.

"Their screams still echo around in my head. Echoing for eternity... dust and bone..." I was starting to get scared and turned back to look desperately at the boys.

"Sir... Sir why don't you put down the gun?" Sally suggested softly, reaching his hands out like he was approaching a scared kitten.

The man's head whipped up at the sound of Sally face and we gasped as we noticed that the skin on his left side of his face was burnt off. "YOU!!!" He bellowed, "YOU HAVE THAT SAME DARKNESS, A HORRID CURSE. DUST AND BONE, DUST AND BONE. THAT'S ALL WE ARE!!"

The man started laughing like a maniac and raised his gun towards Sally. My eyes widened as he pulled the trigger, and as if in slow no, I jumped in front of Sally.

At first I thought the bullet had missed me, or... oh god, hit Sally or Larry instead. But then the pain came.

It felt like I had been hit head first with a train. My lungs compressed as I sunk to the floor, gasping for breath.

The man looked at me, eyes wide, frantically muttering to himself. "The inoccent... no the pure blood must not be spilled, gold and silver to line her grave..." I could briefly see the outline of Larry jumping at the man, pounding him into an unconscious pulp.

Sally kneels before me, his figure blurry, but tears could be made out, streaking upon the prosthetic. "(Y/N)... (Y/N) just hold on. Just hold on please... please don't leave me too."

Larry stood beside him, frantically talking on the phone while sobbing. I knew that it was pointless though. Judging by my breathing and blood flow, the bullet both punctured a lung and nicked a vescle.

I gasped for breath while smiling up at the blue haired boy. Sobs racked his body while he held me tightly. "NO! Just hold on, please! Just hold on, the doctors will be here soon!" I softly shook my head and smiled.

Using all of my strength, I shifted upwards and did the bravest thing I could do at that moment. I brought my lips up and gave his mask one last tender kiss before my vision went black.

"I love you Sal..."


The next time I opened my eyes, I expected to be greeted with the white shine of either a hospital or the after life. To my surprise, I awoke in the same room on the 5th floor.

Smiling, I stood up and laughed. It must have all been a dream. I must have just sleep walked up here. Laughing at my idiocy I reached for the door knob, but as soon as my hand made contact with it, a jolt of energy shot me back into the air.

I cried out in what I think was pain before looking at the door in horror. I must have been frozen in shock, because I jumped when a cold hand made contact with my shoulder.

"(Y/N)? Oh! You're finally here! I was worried that you couldn't cross over to this side!" There stood Megan, the small 7yr old ghost that haunted the bathroom of the 5th floor. I cocked my head in confusion.

"This side?... wait you don't mean..." My eyes widened in fear as I stood up quickly. Making my way to the near by mirror. There I was shocked by my reflection.

I was a ghastly grey colour and my eyes were completely white. Black veins tried to pop out of my skin, pulsing unnaturally. I was covered in a thick layer of crimson and every time I took a breath, blood would ooze out of the disgusting hole in my chest. Tears sprung to my eyes as I dropped to the ground.

"It wasn't a dream after all... I really am dead..." Megan sighed and lightly patted my shoulder.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)..." I wiped my eyes and smiled up at her sadly.

"It's ok Megan... at least Larry and... and Sally are alright." She nodded and smiled before looking towards the door as foot steps approached.

"I better go... I think someone's here to see you." With one last little smile, she melted away with a scream and i was left looming towards the door with curiosity.

The door crept open and a figure entered the room. Tears of joy filled my eyes as I spotted the blue hair of my best friend. What shocked me though, was how much he had aged. His beautiful blue locks, once held in pony tails, were now free flowing down his back. He had also grown at least a foot and his muscles were now toned under his band tee.

"SALLY!! Sally, you wouldn't believe how happy I am to see you!" I cried out and ran to hug him. Just as I was about to reach him, he turned around and sighed, pulling out his old Gear Boy.

"I've kinda lost hope that you'll ever appear... but I can only guess that that means you're in a much better place. Maybe heaven does exist and you're up there... at least you're not trapped down here, as a grieving ghost or anything."

I shook my head in confusion, "I'm right here, Sally... Sal... Can you hear me?" Sal shook his head and sighed.

"Call me selfish but... I just wish I could hear your voice once more... apologize for what happened... feel your presence one last time... but it's been years, and still no activity."

"Megan says you're just stuck... that sometimes ghosts in denial can take extra time. But I'm starting to loose hope." Tears glistened in my eyes as I choked out a sob, wanting to scream my throat out at him.

His mask lifted a smidge as he smiled. "Me and Ash are getting married soon... so there's that..." (In this AU, he didn't kill anyone) My heart shattered at the news, but I knew that he deserved to be happy, deserved to move on instead of wondering what could have been.

"I love her... but, I can't deny she's not you... I never did pluck up the courage to ever ask you out... hell I couldn't even talk to you without getting tongue tied... heh... those were the good times I suppose..." He sighed and set his Gear Boy down on the floor.

My eyes widened as I realized what he was about to do and fear gripped my entire body. "NO! STOP! Wait, what are you doing! Just try one more time!" I tried to trap his shoulders and stop him, but my hands just kept flowing right through him. He lifted his foot and tensed before sighing.

"I really wish you were here to hear me say this but... I love you..." and with that he smashed his foot down on the video game console and stalked out of the room.

My heart and soul broke while I stared at the pieces of the Gear Boy. Tears streamed down my cheeks and silent sobs racked my body. The only thing I wish I was able to do was answer him...

"I love you too..."

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