We'll get through this - Released!Sal x Alcoholic!Reader

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This was requested by GotchuBaka . Sorry for the delay, hope you like it!

Warning! This chapter may contain the following;
•Substance abuse
Foul language
Possibly Triggering Subjects

               "I here by sentence you to capital punishment for your crimes." My eyes widened in disbelief as the bailiff came and grabbed Sal by the shoulders roughly, yanking him out of the stands and towards the door.

"No! Please wait! It wasn't him! He wasn't himself!" I desperately shrieked towards the guards, Maple having to hold me back from rushing towards him. I watched in horror as Sal sent one last solemn look my way and then vanished behind a door for life.

I turned around and collapsed into Ashleys arms, Maple chocking down sobs behind us.

That was 3 years ago.

From then my life just spiralled down into a dark abyss of misery. Ashley has been desprately trying to free Sal, continually coming up with plans and possible evidence for his freedom but nothing seems to stick. Maple also wouldn't talk to me any more. She still misses Soda, hell I still miss her too... I missed them all.

Day in, day out I find my self loosing more of my grip on my sanity. The screams and flashes of red haunting me to this day. Everyone says that sometimes you just need to forget to defeat the demons, but what if you can't forget? What if the only thing that makes them fade is the bottom of a bottle?

I sat back down at the local bar just like every other night, waving the bartender over and ordering 4 shots of Vodka. Just as I was downing my 4th shot, my phone rang, blasting Ashleys contact. Sighing I motioned for a beer while picking up the call.

"What is it Ash?" I asked quite annoyed, the alcohol picking away at my emotions.

"(Y/N)! You wouldn't believe it! He's- wait... Are you at that bar again!?" She asked quite demandingly. I guess she could here the music through the phone and pieced together the pieces.

Taking a long swig of my beer, I shrugged. "Yeah, you got a problem with that?" Ashley sighed from the other end and it sounded like she was reving up her bike.

"You promised you'd stop... Do you even know what day it is today?" I laughed loudly. Of course I knew what fucking day it was today. That's why it hurt so much, that's why I needed that sweet release so much more.

"Of course I fucking know what day it is." I hissed, drunk out of my mind but still drinking as the memories tried to re surface.

"(Y/N)... Have you looked at the news at all?" I just growled and roughly punched the bar table.

"Why the fuck would I look at the news!? You think I want to see those memories!? You think I want to see him die!?" And with that, I slammed the end call bottom and chugged down the remaining contents of my bottle. The bartender looked at me sympathetically and walked towards me.

"Hey (Y/N)... Are you-" I growled and glared murderously at him.

"Don't you fucking dare ask if I'm ok Dave. You know damn well I'm far from it. Now if you really want to help, you'll get me another round." He sighed and slid anoth bottle my way, watching as I popped the cap and took a swig.

I don't understand why Ash would want to to look at the news. Why would I want to be continually reminded that my Sal, my Love, was going to die.

As I drowned the sorrows, like usual, I didn't notice the bar go dead quiet. The sound of frantic footsteps sounded behind me and large, rough hands grabbed my shoulders.

The man spun me around and I came face to face with that painfully familiar mask. He looked slightly different than the last time I has saw him, but his eyes were still the same.

Laughing loudly, I spun back around and took a long chug of my beer. "They just won't leave me alone tonight..." "Sal" spun me back around and engulfed me in a large hug.

"You fucking idiot... How could you do this to yourself?" He whispered out, still clutching into me. I was so confused but simple growled and turned away.

"I didn't do anything to me. You and your fucking shit did. Hell, even now those memories won't leave me be. Not even on the day of your death." "Sal" spun me back around and shook me roughly.

"Fucking snap out of it (Y/N)! It's me! It's actually me!" My eyes widened in a brief moment of clarity. Reaching my hands up shakily, I softly caressed his prosthetic face.

"S-Sal... Is... is that actually you? Is this actually real?" Sals mask shifted slightly in a way that I have found means he's smiling. He attacked me in another hug and sobbed slightly.

"It's me sweetheart. It's really me..." I sat there shocked for a few minutes before breaking down into sobs, clutching onto his warm clothes desperately.

"How... How are you here?" I managed to get out through my sobs and intoxication. Sal softly petted my hair and laughed.

"Dr.Enons body was found. The one who testified was a fraud. Ashley was right... You really don't watch the news." I shook my head and looked down darkly.

"The news only brings darkness and horror to the world." Sal sighs and roughly yanks the bottle away from my hands as I went to take another sip.

"Stop! Stop with this-" he angrily held up the quarter full bottle before motioning to Dave to take it away. "-you're going to kill yourself at this rate!" I laughed slightly and hissed distastefully.

"Did you ever think that that was the point? I mean all my friends and family are either dead or pissed at me. What's the fucking point of staying here anyways?" Sal grabbed my chin and raised my eyes up to meet his.

"You mean something! You are everything to me and Ash! We are here for you!" I laughed pitifully before glaring him down.

"Oh yeah? Then why haven't you been here huh?" Admittedly, I was pretty drunk so my words were harsher than necessary, but both Sal and I knew it held some truths.

He quickly hugs me and let out a soft sob. "I'm so fucking sorry (Y/N). I'm so fucking sorry for all of this... But I promise it will get better... together we will make it better." I broke down once again at his words and collapsed into his arms. He hugged back tightly and whispered soft nothing's into my ear.

"It's ok sweetheart... we'll get through this..."

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