If only - Larry x Sick!Reader

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Warning! This chapter may contain the following;
Foul language

Loud coughs echoed through the empty halls after school. Larry looked down in concern as his girlfriend bent over and coughed harder into her handkerchief.

"Are you sure you're ok...?" He asked gently while leaning down to support her, the coughs still racking her small frame. Smiling weakly, she looked up and nodded before placing her shaking hands on his.

"Of course I am. It's just a cold, it will pass eventually." Just as she ended her sentence, another round if horrific coughs escaped her body. Shaking his head, Larry grabbed her back and scooped her up into his arms like a fireman.

"Fine... but if it gets worse, you better call me! I can't loose you too..." Smiling sadly, she slowly leaned forward and gave him a small peck on the lips before snuggling into his warmth.

"What did I ever do to deserve you? I love you Larry Johnson, with all of my heart." Larry smiled and opened his mouth to respond, only to hear soft snores coming from the girl in his arms.

"I love you too baby..." He whispered out before continuing to walk, girl snuggled in his arms.


A few more days passed and to Larry's annoyance, (Y/N) didn't seem to be getting better. Her coughs continued to destroy her lungs and her skin was paler than paper. Dark bags encircled her eyes and honestly, she looked dead.

Still she refused to admit it might be something more than a cold. She continued to attend school with the gang, even though the teachers begged her to go home. She acted as if nothing was wrong, but Larry knew better.

At lunch, (Y/N) had excused herself to use the washroom. As time passed, Larry found himself getting more and more worried, nervously checking towards the doors in anticipation.

"Hey... Do you think she's ok?" Sal asked, noticing how worried his best friend had become. Ashley and Todd exchanged looks and shrugged.

"Judging by her symptoms and the duration that this has lasted, I would venture a guess to say that no, I don't believe she is very ok." Todd spoke genuinely, not easing the group's worries a bit. Larry sighed and stood up abruptly.

"Fuck it, I'm going to go find her." Nodding, everyone stood up, following the tall brunette towards the lady's restroom. As they walked down the hall, Ashley gasped, drawing the attention of everyone.

Shaking, she stood wide eyed and point down at a small pool of crimson not far ahead of them. "Shit!" Larry cussed before taking off around the corner, not caring about the others behind him.

Horrid thoughts rushed through his head and tears spring in his eyes as he saw her crumpled for. Collapsing, he fell next to her and cradled her in his arms.

"No... No please... Don't leave me...." Larry sobbed loudly, trying to wipe the blood from her face, only for it to smear on her farther as well as staining his hands. The group soon caught up and gasped at the sight of their seemingly dead friend.

Sal stepped forward and frantically shook his best friends shoulders, trying to snap him out of his daze. "Larry... Larry! We need to get her to the hospital... NOW!" Finally he snapped out of it, quickly picking up her frighteningly cold body and rushing towards the doors.

The others quickly followed behind, hopping into the truck and rushing down the road towards the old hospital. Larry sat in the back with Sal, cradling (Y/N)s head in his hands. Tears crept from his eyes as he tried to softly wake her up with no result.

The group rushed into the daunting hospital and were immediately rushed by doctors, which then whisked (Y/N) away without second glance towards the sobbing Larry.

All he could do was sit there and pray, pray to whatever would answer, that she was ok...


It's been weeks.

Weeks of the same robotic beeping.

Weeks of watching her, her body pale and unmoving. Larry didn't know how much more he could take. Sure Sal and the others stopped by every so often, but even they never stayed long enough.

Day after day, he prayed that that constant beeping would never stop. It was the only thing that re-assured him that she was still there, that there was still hope.

Leaning down, Larry pressed as soft kiss to his lovers forehead, a habit since the beginning of it all to remind her he was still there. Tears poured down his cheeks as he looked down at her figure. It was a sight he just couldn't bare to look at any longer. Something he had wished he never had to see until they were old and crippled, yet here he was.

Shaking his head, Larry stepped away, his hand leaving her cold and clammy one. Making his way towards the door he contemplated wheither he was doing the right thing, wheither or not he should stay just in case. Shaking his head he reminded himself that he wasn't leaving forever, he just needed a minute to clear his head.

That was the biggest mistake he ever made.

Just as he was almost to the exit, red lights flashed across the hospital and alarms sounded from near (Y/N)'s room. His heart stopped as tons of doctors flew into her room followed by multiple nurses.

As if in slow motion, he turned around and tried to rush back to her room. He just couldn't seem to go quick enough, his movements felt like lead as he watched the doctors start up the defibrillator. Screaming, he tried to get passed the nurses that moved forward to hold him back.

Pushing them out of the way like nothing, he was just about to the doors when Sal came up behind him and wrapped him in his arms, stopping him. Larry screamed for what seemed like years as the doctors worked tirelessly to try and save her, but the shrill screech of the monitor continued. The doctors left soon after and allowed the horrified Larry to say his final goodbyes.

Slowly, unsure of his own foot steps, Larry stepped forward into the room, that horrible shrieking of the once beeping machine echoing in his ears. Tears floated down his cheeks as he stared at his love, who still laid miraculously beautiful.

"This wasn't how it was supposed to end... We were supposed to grow old together and... and have kids... Why? Why didn you leave me?" Collapsing beside her bed, he grabbed her hand and sobbed.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N)... if... if only I had forced you to go to the doctors... if only I had been quicker... I'm so sorry... I love you so much." Shakingly, he leaned down and left one last kiss on her cold forehead before stepping out; his mind clouded by only one thought...

'If only..."

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