I believe you- Sal x Phycologist!Reader

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The mind is a wondrous thing. Why does it make us do the things we do? How does it decipher good from evil? These are all questions that the young Phycologist, (Y/N) wondered.

It was her first day at the Nockfell prison as the secondary Phycologist, following after Dr.Enon. As crime rates spiked in the small town of Nockfell the little town found themselves in search if an extra Phycologist, as required by law. Lucky for them, a young graduate named (Y/N) (L/N) was in look for work at the same time.

Making her way down the desolate, cold halls, she approached her office where she was scheduled to meet her first client.

Opening the door she smiled at the inmate in front of her. He couldn't have been much older than her and had vibrant blue hair. Though that wasn't the interesting thing about him. No, on his face he wore a prosthetic mask that covered everything but his eyes.

The male looked tooken back and glared in suspision at the newcomer. "Where's Dr.Enon?" He asked in a surprisingly deep voice. (Y/N) continued to smile before sitting across from him.

"My name's Dr.(L/N), I'm taking over some of Dr.Enons clients. Though you can call me (Y/N) if it makes you more comfortable." The man, Sal Fisher, looked sceptical before sitting down.

"Let me guess, you want the mask off as well?" He asked with a cold voice while (Y/N) read through his file.

"Now why would I make you do that. The point of this is for you to be comfortable enough to tell me the truth. If that means you wish to keep your mask on, then go ahead." Sal was surprised at her answer. All of his previous Phycologist, including Dr.Enon, demanded that the mask be removed.

Slowly he lowered into the chair across from her, hands and legs bound. (Y/N) looked up and glared at the chains before looking Sal in the eyes. "Would you like those removed?" Sal, along with the guards, were surprised at her offer. One guard stepped forward.

"Ms! Do you know who this is!? How many people hes-" (Y/N) rose a hand to silence the officer and sighed.

"Of course I do, I mean I have read his file and charges, but in order to get the truth, he must be comfortable. Remove the chains." Sal was sceptical of the new Phycologist. I mean who would volintarily allow a killer to be free of chains.

Once the chains were removed (Y/N) sat back and smiled. "So Sal, why don't we start at the beginning." Sal cringed knowing she most likely ment his attack and the death of his mother. "Let's start with when you moved." This took Sal off gaurd, as he had expected to have to re-live his traumatic experience.

Nodding his head, he began the story, the story of when he moved, how he met Larry and even the craziness of charley. (Y/N) nodded and listened intensely. Every once in a while taking notes in her black note book.

Before they knew it, their time was up. Sal had only got to the arrest of Charley, and strangely... He felt sad that he had to leave... (Y/N) smiled and offered her hand to shake.

"Well, I must say I am excited for our next arrangement, it seems we must stop just as the story is beginning to get good." Sal glared slightly.

"It's not a story... it's the truth." (Y/N) looked slightly tooked back but quickly shook it off.

"I know that Mr. Fisher. Calling it a story doesn't make it any less true." The guards approached and re chained Sal before escorting him out.

"I look forward to our next meeting Mr. Fisher!" (Y/N) called after him, waving and smiling. Against his better judgement, Sal found himself smiling as well, secretly counting the minutes to his next appointment.


After 2 days, Sal once again found himself in the meeting room, (H/C) haired girl across from him.

"Afternoon Mr. Fisher." Sal cringed at the use of his last name.

"Please stop calling me that." He stated gruffly. (Y/N) looked confused, causing him to roll his eyes. "Mr. Fisher... it reminds me of what everyone called my dad. So please... don't. Just call me Sal, or Sally, or anything but Mr. Fisher." Nodding, she smiled and opened her casual black note book.

"Of course, Sal. My apologies. Now let's begin where we left off..." the two began talking once again, with Sal telling his story while (Y/N) occasionally questioned him. The two talked so freely, it was if they were best friends telling eachother their weekend plans instead of a Convicted Murderer trying to explain why he killed multiple people.

Once again, before they knew it, they were out of time. "Wow... Your story is..." Sal cringed.

"Totally fake? Phycotic? Something only an idiot would believe?" He asked, quoting many past Phycologists. (Y/N) sighed and shook her head.

"Complicated. I do believe you, I mean why would you make this stuff up? But many won't..." Both of the adults sighed before looking up. A light blush coated (Y/N)'s cheeks causing her to clear her throat.

"Well I will see you tomorrow Mr- I mean Sal. Hopefully we can tie up any loose strings by then..." Sal gruffly nodded, but one again felt that sadness wash over him. He was escorted out of the room with little time to say good bye, only enough time to produce a small wave.

That night Sal found himself thrashing around as the voices of his dead friends and family echoed throughout his mind. (Y/N) was called urgently as the doctors begged her to come in and calm him down, as no one could even get near him with a sedative at the moment.

Rushing back to the Prison, she bursted into the area where Sals cell was and sighed at the sight. Sal sat curled up in the corner, armed men and doctors surrounding him. His mask was off, thrown somewhere forgotten and his eyes, well eye, darted around like a rabid animal.

"Thank God you're here Dr. (L/N)! He just started freaking out randomly and attacks anyone who approaches him! We thought that maybe you could calm him down..." (Y/N) nodded, slightly scared at the thought of being with him in that state, but she trusted him enough to hope he wouldn't hurt her.

Slowly she took off her coat and entered the cell. Walking closer, her foot steps attracted his attention. His eye widened and he frantically kicked out and covered his torn face.

"No! Go away! Go away, I'm only going to end up hurting you too!" He wailed. (Y/N)'s heart broke at the sight of him like that, all wounded and defenceless. She continued to approach and crouched down.

"It's ok Sal... you're not going to hurt me..." she softly spoke. Sal frantically shook his head, his hands still covering as much of his face as he could.

"No! You don't understand! Everyone around me gets hurt! Everyone one I care about leaves!" He frantically wailed out. (Y/N) knelt down directly in front of him and carefully gripped his hands.

Slowly peeling them away, (Y/N) stared him down and smiled. Slowly pulling him into a hug, she cradled him and softly sighed. "I'm not going anywhere... shh... it's ok, I'm not leaving."

Sal sobbed into her shoulder, embrassing her warmth and comfort, both a thing that he dearly missed. "No one's ever going go believe me..." he sobbed out, his heart breaking at the final realisation that he was going to die. (Y/N) shook her head and continued to rock the broken male before sighing out.

"I believe you..."

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