Everything's going to be alright- Larry x Stressed!Reader

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This was requested by Cosmic4563 Hope you like it.

Warning this chapter may contain the following;
• Nothing, it's a safe chapter to read.

         (Y/N) couldn't believe it. All that work, hours upon hours of sleepless nights, for nothing. She stared with tears glistening in her eyes as she read and re-read the email from her teacher. 

Sighing she rubbed her temples before screaming into her hands, tears flowing down her cheeks. This was supposed to be her big break, her way to the top of the animation class. She had worked all month, pushing away everyone, even her boyfriend, in order to finish it. And it was all for nothing.

Still screaming into her hands, she didn't hear the soft footsteps that came up the stairs nore did she hear the door open to her study.

"Babe... hey, babe what's wrong!?" Larry, her boyfriend rushed to her side quickly. Larry was a pretty rough guy, not one to always show his emotions but the sight of his girlfriend curled up and crying filled him with rage. (Y/N) shook her head and took a deep breath.

"Nothing Lare bear. I-I'm fine." Larry scoffed and leaned down, engulfing her in a hug. The slight smell of weed filled her nose as he did so. Sobbing harsher she shook in his arms, "I did everything I could! Everything! And it was all for nothing!" She cried out, letting her emotions free.

Larry caught the message in the corner of his eye and growled slightly, pissed off that someone could say those things about her work. "Hey... hey... it's going to be ok. Everything is going to be fine... Right after I hunt that brassard down and beat him to the ground. " Even through her pain m, (Y/N) choked out a laugh and shook her head.

"No no. It's fine. I just... should have done better..." Larry glared and gently grabbed her shoulders, forcing her to look him in the eyes.

"Dont you ever say that again! You worked our ass off for that and I'm almost a hundred percent sure you'll continue working just as hard. He is am idiot, not you!" (Y/N) smiled largely and snuggled into Larry's chest m, breathing in his sent to calm herself down. "Now, how about we go to the movies with Sal and Ash?" Nodding (Y/N) sat up and rubbed her eyes, sending a small smile towards her boyfriend and wondering what she did to be so lucky.

Soon they met Sal and Ashley at the movies for a sort of, awkward double date. Not awkward because of her and Larry but awkward because even though they weren't together, it was clear both Sal and Ashley liked each other.

They all decided to go and see an older movie and snuggled up in the back row. Smiling slightly, (Y/N) felt calm for the first time in a month as Larry gently rubbed his thumb against her hand. Watching the show, she couldn't help but look up at her boyfriend and smile as he looked back.

"How are you doing babe?" He whispered in her ear, trying not to disturb anyone. Snuggling closer she smiled.

"Better. It still hurts, but there's nothing I can do differently now. I... I just wanted to apologize, for pushing you away while I worked on it..." Larry smiled down at her and softly kissed her forehead.

"Sweetheart, there's no need to apologize. I only wish I had tried to help you better. " (Y/N) turned and hugged Larry tight before placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"What did I ever do to deserve you? You are too good to me Larry... I love you so much..." Said male just smiled and snuggled closer, calming all of the  worries that plagued her mind.

"I love you too babe. Just remember everything's going to be alright."

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