See you again soon- Released!Sal x Shy!Chubby!Reader

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This was requested by Vanessa4562 hope you like it.

Warning! This chapter may include the following:
•Spoilers? (Mentions of chapter 4)

It was all over the news, he had been let out. The release of Sal Fisher had shocked the entire town of Nockfell, leaving even the most quiet of people wanting to know more about the story. (Y/N) (L/N) was one of those people.

"Get me another beer yah pig!" The man on the other side of the restaurant howled. Blushing as his friends all began to laugh, she grabbed a beer and made her way over to him, trying to make sure that her thighs didn't show too much. Handing the beer over, the man just scoffed. "What ever happened to the hot ones. Man this town really has gone to the dogs if their letting fatties like you serve."

This struck a nerve, causing her eyes to well up with tears, but she just turned away and walked with her head down. She felt a tap on her arm and looked up to see the brown hair of Ashley Campbell. Glaring daggers at the men at the booth, she patted (Y/N)'s back and smiled lightly.

"Hey, you ok? Do you need me to go and beat their asses like I did the last ones?" (Y/N) smiled at the girls sibling like protectiveness and shook her head.

"No it's ok... I'm used to it. Plus my shift ends in like 10 minutes anyways." Sighing, Ashley nodded her head and sent one last glare towards the table before turning back to finish what she was working on.

The next ten minutes passed excruciatingly slow as (Y/N) found herself faced with taunt after taunt. This wasn't uncommon but something about today left her extra vulnerable. Finally she was able to leave and quickly made her way back towards her home.

As disturbing as it was, she pulled up to her home, the Addison Apartments. Though they were now called the Lucky Star Apartments, no one had forgotten the horrors that had gone down in it's very confines. (Y/N) had a particularly 'great' room, room 402 itself.

She didn't really mind it, sure it was kinda weird living in the home of a trialed murderer, but Ashley had been around enough to tell her what really happened.

Turning her key in the lock, she shuffled in awkwardly as her thighs began to stick uncomfortably. Sighting she threw her purse and extra things down and flicked on the light.

That's when her heart stopped. There at the base of her kitchen stood a tall stalk figure with long hair. There was no mistaking who it was, the vibrant blue hair and surgical mask left none to the imagination. Sal "Sallyface" Fisher was standing right in front of her.

Her eyes widened as she stood frozen staring down the intruder. He stared back, his expression masked and hard to see. Slowly, so to not gain his attention, she scouted the near by counter and spotted a small knife. Just big enough to peel an apple with but it would work in protecting herself if needed.

Without another thought, she lunged for the counter, hoping to reach the small weapon before he could react. Sadly her body had other plans as she instead fell straight to the floor, meer centimeters from the counter. Looking up in pure fear, she tried to scramble away, her stomach curling uncomfortably as he stepped forward and she knew there was no way she would escape now.

'Curse my stupid body! Curse my love of chocolate! Though... I will be harder to kidnap and carry... Not the point! I don't think he has any intention in kidnapping me, he'll do it right here if he wants..!'

She shut her eyes tight as Sal leaned forward over her, and prayed under her breath. Instead of the cold pain of a blade, she instead felt the surprisingly warm and soft touch of a hand to her shoulder. Looking up slowly, she saw that Sal held no look of bloodlust and instead looked pained and guilty.

"I'm sorry... I... I just needed to see it. To... to be back here one more time." His voice was surprisingly gentle as he looked down, refusing to look her in the eye. (Y/N)'s face blushed bright as she noticed their closeness and scrambled up as quick as she could.

Her thighs and arms throbbed in pain but she stood up and backed away. "You-You shouldn't be in here... How did you even g-get in...?" Sal looked around and sighed.

"I- er- my dad always hid a key underneath the windowsill. Guess the new owners didn't want to change the locks." Silently cursing in her head she just stared as Sal took a seat in the chair beside him. "Go ahead, call the police. I just needed to come here to see it one last time."

(Y/N) shook as the adrenaline continued to flow through her veins and she knew that she should just call up the police to come and get him, but something stopped her. She didn't know if it was the pained look in his eyes, or the fact she understood the memories that were held here, she instead opened her phone and called up the only person she could think of.

Within 2 minutes flat, granted a very awkwardly long 2 minutes, (Y/N) could hear the familiar reving of an engine. She waited until the brunette had come in the door before collapsing onto the couch, exhausted beyond belief. Ashley glared at Sal and then sighed.

"I am so sorry (Y/N)! He had mentioned wanting to come back but I thought we had agreed on asking you first." (Y/N) simply sighed as well and hid her face slightly, curling into a blobby ball of exhaustion.

"Its alright Ash... it just ... surprised me..." She looked up and smiled slightly at Sal, something that surprised both her and him. Slowly he smiled back, or what she could guess was a smile as his mask lifted slightly. Ashley huffed out a laugh before apologizing once more and ushering Sal out with her. He complied but stopped just before the door and turned around.

He then spoke a simple phrase, commonly used at the beginning of a new friendship, that made (Y/N) smile;

"Hope to see you again soon..."

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