Home- Larry x Drunk!Reader

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Warning! This chapter contains the following;
Possibly triggering subjects
Substance abuse
Foul language

Strong language

The boys were starting to get worried when Larry's girlfriend didn't show up. It was pouring outside, but all three had agreed to meet in Larry's apartment.

"Dude... where the hell is she?" Larry groaned out, looking at the door in anticipation. Sally shrugged and continued to mess around with his guitar.

"I don't know dude... Maybe the roads are too rough for her to come over." Larry shook his head and looked down at his phone.

"No... if it were that she would have called. I'm going to phone her again." Picking up his cell, he flipped through the contacts until he came across one labeled, (Y/N) <3, and quickly pressed the call button.

"Come on... pick up, pick up..." He muttered to him self, while Sal stared in worry at his best friend. They both knew that (Y/N) dealt with issues, having caught her cutting and drinking her problems away many times. Though neither wanted to believe that their friend was possibly spiralling down again.

Groaning, Larry slammed his phone down on the bed in frustration. He wrung his hands through his hair and sighed. "Fuck. Where the fuck could she be!?" Sal looked at his friend, a wave of sadness washing over him while he put his guitar down.

"Mabey we should consider-" he started before Larry growled and punched his wall.

"No! She promised she was done with that! She promised to leave the fucking bottles alone..." angrily, Larry once again grabbed his phone and pressed dial, pacing as it continued to ring. Her voice mail popped up and Larry growled.

Sal had never seen his friend so worried. Larry's entire laid back body language was gone and in its place stood a tensed, confused one. Larry turned to his friend and Sal was surprised at what he saw.

Tears had gathered in his eyes as he sighed. "Fuck it..." Sauntering over to Sally, he grabbed his coat from behind him and quickly threw it on. "Mom! I'm going out!" He shouted while he climbed the stairs.

"Ok sweetheart. Just be really careful! It's pouring like crazy out there!" Lisa answered back. Sal quickly followed Larry to his car and got in. At first Larry just sat there, staring at the steering wheel. Then he looked up at Sally and sighed.

"I... I just don't want to find her there Sal... I don't want to find her at the bottom of a bottle again. All broken and everything..." Sal sighed and patted his brothers shoulder.

"It's better to find her and stop her now than let her continue." Larry wiped his eyes and nodded.

"Yeah... yeah you're right." Staring his car, he began to drive to the only place he knew she could be, the Lone Ranger Pub.

When they pulled up, Larry quickly got out of his seat and rushed to the doors, soon followed by Sal.

The two cringed as they noticed her (H/C) locks sitting at the bar, drink in hand. Larry growled angrily and even though Sal tried to stop him, he stomped up to her.

"What the fuck (Y/N)! Why the fuck are you here!?" Said girl looked up from her glass and smiled, clearly intoxicated far beyond normal.

"Larry! What... What are you *hic* doing here?" Larry glared down at her and ripped the glass of vodka away from her hands.

"What am I doing here? No (Y/N), what the fuck are you doing here!? You promised to fucking stop this shit!" He growled and roughly grabbed her arms, yanking them towards him.

"Larry! Wait, what *hic* what are you doing!? Stop!" She cried out, but Larry didn't stop. He roughly pulled up her sleeves and swore at the sight. There, along her smooth wrists, laid a fresh set of slices.

"Jesus (Y/N)... why the hell are you doing this again!? You promised me you'd stop!" Tears gathered in (Y/N)'s eyes as she started sobbing.

"Why the fuck would you care!? I mean you're just going to leave me anyways! Just like every body else!" Larry stepped back in confusion.

"Who the heck gave you that idea?" (Y/N) glared up at him.

"It doesn't matter..." Larry shook his head and grabbed her shoulders

"(Y/N). Who told you that?" (Y/N) turned her head and stared at Larry with tears streaming down her face.

"Travis... Travis told me that be saw you with that new girl, Layah. He said that eventually you would just forget about me. That you'd move on. He even said that he saw you and her... you and her kiss." Larry growled loudly and cursed.

"That mother- I'm gonna beat his ass tomorrow." Larry turned back to (Y/N) and wrapped her in a hug. "Yes, I was hanging out with Layah, but I never kissed her. I had to show her around school. I would never do that to you sweetheart. You are the only one that I love."

(Y/N) sobbed and clutched onto Larry, muttering apologies over and over again. "I'm sorry! It's just so hard... it's so hard not to listen and worry! I'm sorry!"

Larry smiled and lifted her com before giving her a light peck on the lips. "It's ok... we'll get through this. For now, why don't we get you home."

(Y/N) smiled and nodded, "That'd be great. Let's go home."

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