🍋Lets do it again sometime- Insane!Sal x Insane!Reader🍋

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This was requested by nopebutverydope

Warning this chapter may contain the following;
• Explicit content (This is a lemon)
• Swearing
• Mentions of mental illnesses that may trigger some people

    Clang! Clang! Clang! The sound of metal hitting metal sounded from outside (Y/N)'s room. She turned and glared at the door as her least favourite guard sauntered across the floor and towards her. "Wakey wakey beautiful! It's time for group sessions!"

(Y/N) hated the group sessions. The doctors were idiot's and that ticked her off. They never believed her when she spoke of the voices, as if they were above them. No one is above them. Growling lightly she stumbled as the guard grabbed the back of her jacket and tightened the clasps even more. Guiding her out of the room, she stared as many of the other patients were escorted out as well.

She watches as Jozzy, a small woman with 4 different personalities, screamed profanities in a language she did not understand. Lora stood beside her trying to calm her down while muttering every once and a while to her self.

Turning her head,(Y/N) spotted Markus, a middle age man who had set a nursery on fire after his wife had left him. He claimed that it wasn't him, that someone had stolen his skin for a night, but no one believes him. There was also a man named Vlad that claimed he was a vampire and had went on a murder spree if 30 woman, draining all of them. Finally the guards had ushered everyone into the room. They took of everyone's jackets before stepping out by the door.

There were about 15 inmates in the room, but only one truly caught (Y/N)'s attention after the voices began to chant. Straight across from her sat a fairly large man with unusual blue hair. That wasn't the weirdest thing, no he also had a large surgical mask strapped to his face. She wasn't judging but something forced her to continue to stare  even catch his eyes a couple times, before she was forced to look back aft the sound of her name being called.

"(Y/N)!" Snapping her head up, (Y/N) glared at the young therapist that had disturbed her thinking. "Ah, good! Glad you could join us. I was just asking the group to share their week so far." (Y/N) shook her head and looked down.

"I'm fine Dr.Leesom. Nothing of importance has happened." The voices in her head screamed louder  hissing words and insults like there was no tomorrow but she just ignored them. Dr.Leesom glared slightly at the woman.

"Oh really? What about the report that was filed Thursday, the one about you attacking Mr.Grason? Was that nothing important?" (Y/N) groaned internally and just stared down the doctor.

"I suspected you already knew about that. Why dont you move on to someone else seeing as you already know how my week was."

Some of the tenants chucked while others just stared. The large blue man stared at (Y/N) with something foreign  in his heated gaze.

The rest of the meeting passed uneventful until Dr.Leesom called out to the blue haired beauty. "Ah, Mr.Fisher. It's nice for you to finally join us today." The man only huffed and glared at the woman. "And how has your week been? I heard that you tried to attack Mr. Morrison once again." Without any warning, the man  quickly stood up and rushed out of the room. Sighing, Dr.Leesom excused us all to free period and stood up to leave.

(Y/N) waited for everyone one else to leave before slowly making her way out the now empty room. Before she could get out, the large blue haired man stepped in, locking the door behind him. The voices began to create a ruckus and laughing loudly, causing her to smirk. "Well hello~ and who might you be Mr?" She eyed him up and down quite obviously. He was quite the man. Broad shoulders, semi fit body. Only made her wonder what... other aspects would look like.

"The names Sal." Hi voice was gruff and deep, sending shivers down her spine. The voices continued to scream, sending (Y/N) into a loopy state as she walked closer to him.

"Oh yeah? And why would you be in here, Mr.Sal?" The man stepped back slightly before staring her down.

"They speak about you. Constantly chanting your name." (Y/N) grinned. She knew what he meant, the ghosts and voices often correlated with each other.

"I know..." She swept towards him as of floating on air and slowly undid his mask. As if frozen, Sal just stared and let her. Most would be thrown off by his face, but she just smiled and leaned in, capturing his lips with hers. The two battles for dominance, Sal wrapping his figures in her hair as the voices whispered instructions in his ears.

Moving down, he bit and sucked on her skin, drawing out long moans from her lips. "Ah~ Be careful now, we dont want the guards to find us~" She smirked and wrapped her fingers in his hair, pulling slightly to create a deep groan from Sal.

As the voices chanted, she slid down to her knees, detaching his lips from her neck. Pulling down the white sweat pants he had on she rubbed his bulge through the cotton underwear, smirking at the moans she created. Pulling down the boxers as well, she looked at his size and grinned. "Not bad big boy." Sal huffed in answer as (Y/N) leaned forward and took his cock in her mouth, swirling he tongue around and bobbing her head.

"Fuck~Holy shit..." (Y/N) smirked and used her teeth lightly, grasing his shaft with them. This set him off as he gripped her hair and pushed her head down, desperate for her to take more. She complied for a short while, gagging softly as it hit the back of her throat. Just as he looked like he was ready, she pulled back and grinned. "Not yet~"

Sal growled, the voices edging him on as he looked down at her. (Y/N) grinned as she backed up against a table and gasped as she felt Sal grab her shoulder to turn her around. "Bend over." He roughly spoke. Complying she bent over and pulled down her own track pants and panties. Aiming up, he slammed in without any warning, causing (Y/N) to gasp in pain. Huffing she gripped at the hard table, hoping the pain would pass.

As it did she slowly shifted her hips and pushed him deeper inside her heat. Taking the hint he began to slam into her, rough and hard just like the voices said to. (Y/N) howled in pleasure as she felt her walls stretch around his cock. "Ah~Ah~ Harder~" She moaned out, loving the way he felt inside her.

Complying, Sal began to slam even harder, rocking the table back and forth as he felt himself drawing nearer. "Fuck! Keep going! Just like that!~" she screamed as she too drew near. Grunting and slamming as hard as he could he leaned down.

"I'm close." Sal whispered, knowing she was as well as he felt her walls tightening back up.

"Me too, keep going." The two just kept at it, slamming into each other over and over again until both released. "AH~" (Y/N) screamed in pleasure, despite the voices warnings. She could feel the cum drip down her legs but she had no worries. They were all on birth control anyways.

Slowly turning around she breathed heavily and smirked. "Good job Big Boy." He just huffed and secured his mask again, his eyes darting back and forth as the spirits showed up once again.

Placing one last kiss on his mask, she wabbled out of the room, but not before turning around. "That was fun. Lets do it again sometime~"

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