Autistic boy and bad boy I ( jastin)

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Bubble's pic 😍☝

Uzzuqueen here you go! ( Sorry for the long wait😫)

Justin was playing with his dog, 'bubble' as his father bought ice cream for the 25 year old son and himself. The boy was laying on the neatly trimmed grass in the park as the puppy jumped on his chest, licking the boy and tickling him making him giggle like a maniac.

" Justin! Baby don't let Bubble lick you!" Dad scolded from the ice cream parlor. " Doctor's gonna whoop my ass if you get another infection."

" B-b-but b-bubby w-w-wont ssstop" Justin whined.

" JUSTIN DREW BIEBER!" Dad yelled, making the boy huff as he pushed the puppy off. He pouted, crossing his arms over his chest in anger as he sat up. His eyes were watery as he saw some people look his way. He looked dad's way to see him buying ice cream.

" Oooh! Watch who got told off in the public" he jumped at the raspy voice, turning his head to see Jason McCann, a 26 year old man who acted like a 6 year old and messed with kids just to piss them off and have fun by doing so. Although Justin didn't know who Jason was, he was famous in the town as a troublemaker. Even though he acted immature like a bratty little kid, girls were insane for him. He was a player and every girl knew it yet they'd kill their best friend if they have to, just so they can sleep with Jason. Even if it's for one night, it was okay for them. The man got looks, no denying that, and it was not a surprise girls went for his face and body over his childishness. And they'd heard from the girls who actually got the chance with him that he wasn't the immature brat in the bed. He was everything a girl would ever ask for.

" o.of y.y.. your b..b-b-buis-"

Jason laughed in Justin's face,cutting him off. " Why are you talking like that?"

Justin frowned. " I w.was b.born" Justin mumbled,his eyes leaking a tear.

Jason repeated what Justin said in a high pitched and mocking tone, laughing right after. Justin glared at him, charging at him and making him fall back in surprise. Justin hit Jason's chest,. Although his small fists didn't hurt Jason.

Edward, Justin's dad was talking with one of his friends from highschool when he went, not noticing what was happening.

Even though Justin wasn't hurting him, Jason pushed him off and got up. Seeing some girls watching, Jason,being the cocky bustard he was, wanted to show off so he kicked the younger and twice smaller boy in the stomach couple of times. Justin screamed, but no sound left his mouth because it was hurting him that much. Jason winked at the girls, before grabbing Justin's dog, Bubble, who tried to bite the bustard who dared to hurt his little friend but Bubble was as small as a bubble, being only two months old, so Jason could easily shove Bubble in his pant pocket. " B...b.bubble!" Justin cried out. Which made Jason smirk.

" I'm going to pop the bubble" he rolled his eyes at the name Justin had chosen for the puppy.

And Jason left, leaving Justin there, holding his stomach as he tried to find him voice. When he did, he screamed Bubble's name, earning his dad's attention but it was too late as Jason had already left on his motorbike.


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