In the backseat.. I ( Hustin smut )

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  Justin held his husband's hand as he tried to keep up with Harry's pace. The camera's were blinding them and many questions that's thrown at the recently married couple was irritating Harry than Justin.

   " Is that true Justin Bieber is the submissive out of you two?"

  Another laughed. " Isn't that obvious?"

   " Is it true that you two are arguing over Hailey Baldwin's pregnancy?"

  " Did you impregnated her Justin Bieber?"

   " Are the rumors of you cheated on Harry Styles true Justin?"

  " Nice ass Justin, those tight and ripped jeans fit you so well"

  And this time, the paparazzi gained Harry's attention, as he stopped abruptly and turned on his heels to face the fucker. Justin bit his lip, as Harry pushed Justin behind him as if he was in the middle of jungle with Lions surrounding them, only difference being that they were not lions, but some greedy hyenas.

  The man who looked in Justin's grandpa's age smirked, making Harry scoff in disgust.

  " Thomas, take Justin into the vehicle" Harry ordered the bodyguard he accompanied just for Justin's security. He could save Justin by himself but he didn't want to risk Justin's safety for at least a second. " Sir. Just ignore them, they're trying to get a reaction out of you. Don't give them what they want" Thomas said.

  " Did I ask your fucking opinion? Tom! Take Justin to the fucking vehicle, I'll be back!" Harry spat, making Justin flinch and Thomas nod.

  " I'm not leaving without you, Harry. " Justin said, grabbing Harry's arm. Harry sent him a death glare. " Tom! I said take him to the vehicle!"

  With that being said, Tom grabbed Justin's arm, dragging him towards the car. " I'm sorry Justin, I had to listen to him" he said, picking him up and placing him on the car seat and buckling him up as he tried to get out.

  Harry grabbed the paparazzi by the back of his neck and threw him on the floor, kicking his stomach few times as his friends recorded like he wasn't getting beaten up but doing a performance. " Dare to say something like that to my baby again and you can see the hell fires sooner! Fucking idiot?" He spat, kicking one more time and storming off to the car.

  Justin had already managed to get out of the vehicle and run into his husband's arms. " Why would you do that! This is going to ruin your reputation!" He said worriedly.

  " Fuck reputation. I won't let fuckers speak shit about you and get away just like that!" Harry said firmly, grabbing Justin's neck and slamming his lips onto his so the fuckers can see that he's taken forever.

  Justin blushed, not liking being seen so weak under another  man's touch Infront of cameras. His knees literally shook and Harry had to pick him up before he falls.

   Harry deepened the kiss, slamming Justin against the car door. Justin whimpered, feeling pain shot through his spine but loved the pain at the same time.

    " Get in the car" Harry said, pulling away. Justin nodded, opening the passenger door but Harry stopped him. " Get in the back seat"

  " Why?"

   " Because I say so, Justin!" Harry spat, making Justin flinch and nod, his eyes glossy because Harry rarely yells at him and it hurts him.

   Justin got in the back seat, resting his leg on the passenger seat, as Harry argued with the paparazzi who were done recording the scene and now were so concerned about their ' friend' .

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