Punishment II ( Zustin smut)

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  Justin looked at his fiancé through his long eyelashes, his half closed eyes, sweat covered body and deep breaths giving away the fact that he was exhausted.

  It's been almost a day since Zayn's been punishing him and he has had enough. Zayn had jerked him off , blew him off , fingered him, used many sex toys on him and fucked him countless times, yet Justin hadn't cummed once. Every time Justin reached climax, Zayn would stop and leave. Which killed Justin because he couldn't bare the pain.

   Zayn fed him couple of times, let him drink water whenever he asked but he didn't untie Justin more than once because Justin wanted to pee. But Zayn stayed in the bathroom until he emptied his bladder and forced him to bed when he was done.

  Justin's hair was a huge mess on his head and drops of sweat decorated his pale skin that had turned into pink because of the sexual torture. His lips were red from being kissed almost all day because Zayn kissed him whenever he saw his lips, according to Zayn, they're very kissable, addictive even.

   His whole body was covered in hickies, his body shivered from sexual frustration and exhaustion. He didn't have strength anymore, not even to fight back.

    " Z.. Zayn.. please.." Justin begged, shaking his head side to side. Zayn smirked, soon making an innocent face. " What baby?"

   " N..no more" Justin whimpered, as Zayn sat on the bed.

  " No more what? My baby?" Then leaned down, kissing his hairless chest. " No more of this?" He said, leaving sloppy kisses along his chest and tummy.

   Justin sobbed. " No more, Zi... No more" he begged, frustration reeking through his words.

   " Aww Babycakes.. you don't like to be pleased by daddy?" Zayn pouted, kissing his tip. Justin tried to hold back, but a moan betrayed his lips.

   " Please.. I've learned my lesson, Zi. I promise.. I promise I won't hang out with them.. I promise I won't go against your words.. please forgive me mm-" he moaned, as Zayn took him in his mouth. " Zi please! Please!!" He groaned, his breathing heavy.

   He sucked him for a minute, before pulling out. " Zayn please don't do this to me" Justin cried, some tears rolling down his face. He has had enough, he didn't want to have sex for the rest of his life because of the torture Zayn dragged him through for a day.

   " I told you so many times, didn't I, baby?" Zayn asked, feeling a bit bad. " I told you that they're not the people I want you to surround yourself with."

  Justin bit his lower lip, tears falling freely from his eyes. " Yes Zayn"

   " Then why wouldn't you listen to me, baby? I did everything because I love you, I only wanted to save you from the bad in this world but you never listened"

  " I'm sorry Zayn" Justin sobbed.

   Zayn snorted. " No you're not, baby. I know when you're talking from your heart and I also know when you say things so you can get away easier. And I know you're doing the second thing right now" Zayn said, kissing Justin's lips.

  " Don't cry, baby."

  " It hurts when you do that, Zi. I don't wanna go through this again so even if I'm not actually sorry, I won't go against your words."

   To that, Zayn smirked. " So you have finally learned your lesson, haven't you, baby?"

  " Yes I have.. please no more" Justin tugged at his ropes, making Zayn smile.

" What if you forget?"

" How can I forget this, Zi." Justin grumbled, kicking his legs, making Zayn chuckle.

  Zayn grabbed his face, kissing him softly. " Okay then.. I'll let you go, but if you somehow forget what would happen to you if you don't listen to me, this punishment would be a walk in the park compared to what's to come. Okay baby?"

  " I won't forget this" Justin nodded, as Zayn untied him.

    " Do you wanna get off Jay? Since your punishment is over" Zayn chuckled at Justin's face, as he shook his head violently.

  " Can we just cuddle?"

   " Of course, angel. Whatever you say"

  And Justin never interacted with his so called 'friends' again.


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