Manager III ( Zustin)

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  " Zayn!"

  " What?!"

   " I wanna bath!" Justin pouts. Rolling over, Zayn sighs sleepily. " Go bath then!"

   Justin is now 21 years old and it's been three years since the day they shared their first kiss. First, they had to keep their relationship a secret because he was underage and they were scared.. mostly Zayn.. of what the world might say. He was supposed to be Justin's guardian but he found himself fxxking the 18 year old boy in the dressing rooms of backstages, almost every hotel room they stayed and even at the swimming pools. And when Justin wanted to let his parents know.. being the mamma's boy he is, Zayn couldn't hide this anymore.

  Pattie was, surprisingly, more than glad to hear that they were in a relationship, for she knew that Justin was a baby and he couldn't protect a girl in a relationship, he was too sensitive and every time he got into a relationship with a girl, he got hurt and he was the one crying at the end. He couldn't handle the pain of losing love. And Pattie knew Zayn, she knew how much Zayn loved Justin even before they got together and how protective Zayn was over the boy.  Pattie always wished that Justin was gay because then he'll find someone to protect him and keep him happy, and Zayn had all the qualities Pattie ever wished from a son in law.

  Jeremy was a bit mad at first but soon got over it.

  Justin's fans always loved Zayn because Zayn was Justin's manager so they barely had any issues with Zayn being his boyfriend. Most of them even started shipping them.

  Media was first on fire because of the affair but like every other fire, soon that came to an end as well. So they didn't have anything against them so far.

   And in two weeks, they're going to get married even though Justin is too young because Zayn wants to make Justin officially his. 

  Right now Justin and Zayn are cuddling in bed, because in four months, they're going to be busy because the new world tour is about to start.

  " Zii!" Justin, being his annoyingly loud ass, screeches in Zayn's ear, making Zayn groan in pure annoyance. Zayn pushes Justin out of bed. " I'ma beat ya ass if you don't shut the hell up and get the fuck out of this room." He growls.

  " Alright alright chill!" Justin gets up, rolling his eyes. " Gosh!"

  He starts walking towards the bathroom, singing some weird song he wrote with Ariana Grande, (his friend/ Zayn's other artist) for fun.

   "Hey! I'm a baboon
Like a human, less advanced and my anus is huge.. "

Zayn bursts out laughing, making Justin jump and look his way with a frown not knowing why he is laughing. When he realizes what he just sang, his face heats up in embarrassment. He didn't mean to sing it because that song was supposed to be between him and Ariana, and they wrote it just for fun.

Warning; smut ahead!

  Justin squirms in embarrassment as Zayn gets out of bed and walks towards him. Zayn corners him against the wall, placing his hands on either side of Justin's head. " That's because I fxxk you so well.. isn't it baby?" Zayn rasps, slowly leaning in and capturing Justin's lips in between his rough ones.

   Justin shivers when Zayn's hand runs down his smooth skin of his topless back slowly. He gasps when Zayn pushes a finger in his anus just as his tongue goes in Justin's mouth. Zayn pushes the both in and out in a fast pace, and Justin's eyes rolls to the back of his head. His breathing quickens and he starts shivering furiously.

To be continued....


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