Mr McCann I ( jastin mpreg )

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Justin and Angel cuddled in the living room, the 21 year old and the 5 year old both asleep, cuddling up on the couch. Justin's stomach was a small bump because he was pregnant with twins of five months.

Being pregnant with his boyfriend's baby at the age of 16, Justin had to drop out of school and move in with his six years older boyfriend. His parents were against the young couple so he had no other choice.

It wasn't that hard at first, because Chris loved him the way Justin wanted and Chris did a job that provided enough for the young couple to live a happy life.

But everything changes. As the years went by, Chris started to get enough of Justin and cheating on him. And sometimes even abuse the younger man. First it was just verbal abuse, but eventually it grew until he started abusing the man physically, mentally and emotionally.

Justin was a loving father and gave everything in him to keep his child happy but Chris did the opposite. He didn't abuse the kid but all the fighting and arguing was enough to break the kid mentally. Sometimes the poor kid had to see his father getting beaten up like an animal by his other father.

Justin wanted his small boy to go to bed as he waited for his husband to come home, but the little boy was stubborn like his father and didn't listen.

Justin woke up to the sound of his husband's vehicle, and the little boy stirred. Justin picked up the boy with a bit of struggle and took him to the boy's room before tucking the boy in and turning the night lights on before closing the door, but didn't lock it.

As he was rushing downstairs to open the door for his husband, the drunk man had already stumbled in and slammed the door shut. " Justin!" The man yelled, burping afterwards.

Justin held his stomach as he walked towards his husband. " Yeah honey?" He spoke softly, reaching up and standing on his tippy toes for a kiss.

The older man grabbed Justin's face and started eating his face, making Justin whimper a bit and scrunch up his nose because of the smell of alcohol.

Chris soon started sucking his neck.

" Baby, are you drunk again?" Justin mumbled quitely, trying to hold back the moans.

" So what if I am?" The man rasped, picking Justin up bridle style.

" You know we can't do it, right?"

" Why not?" The man took Justin to their room, almost dropping him as he stumbled in. Justin squealed, holding onto his husband's shoulders as if his life depended on it, cause it did, his life was his children and he's carrying two of them in his stomach.

" I'm pregnant, babe. Please put me down" Justin pleaded.

" Doesn't mean we can't fuck,. And let's start by getting my cock sucked" Chris dropped Justin on the bed. " Get down and kneel" he pointed to the floor.

Knowing what would happen if he resisted, Justin sighed, getting out of bed and kneeling on the floor.

" Please tell me we don't have to have sex?" He begged, as Chris took his clothes off.

" Why not? The doctor said we can have sex, didn't he?"

" I know but he said to be gentle but I know how gentle you get when you're fucking me." Justin said worriedly.

Chris took a handful of Justin's hair before putting his cock in Justin's mouth. " Suck baby, suck?" He groaned, pushing Justin's head.

And Justin did what his husband wanted.

After cumming in his mouth, Chris pulled out as he panted, slowly recovering from his orgasm.

Justin sat on the bed, trying to catch his breath.

" On the bed, all fours, now, hoe!" Chris growled, making Justin's heart hurt because he feels offended when his husband calls him such things. He expected to be treated like a prince because he used to be. But things had changed.

" Chris, baby, please. Can we wait for couple more months? The babies.. I don't wanna risk their lives just for a few minutes of pleasure."

To this, Chris growled. " Does that mean no?!" He spat, grabbing Justin by the hair. " Since when, Justin!" He pulled the pregnant man closer to his alcohol reeking mouth. " Since when did you grow a pair of balls to say no to me?" He gritted his teeth.

" Ow.. you're hurting me Chris" Justin looked at his husband with pained pleading eyes.

" is it my fault that you're a freak who can have fucking babies?! I should've known better than to marry you. You were beautiful and I was fooled by your face, but now look at yourself?!" He dragged Justin through the floor to the mirror, Justin sobbed, holding his stomach to protect it from any damage.

" I wouldn't have to go to other men if you kept yourself pretty! I told you that you should abort the first baby but you didn't, don't you know having babies makes you ugly? And now twins?! Am I not a god letting you keep them?! The last thing you can do is letting me fuck you! You ungrateful bustard!" He shoved Justin on the floor, making him cry out in pain. He tried his best to keep the babies in his stomach without getting miscarried but he fell on his stomach. He was scared that the babies were hurt l.

Chris pushed him to his back, before kicking his stomach multiple times, making him scream out in pain and the fear for his babies. He begged for Chris to stop as he was dragged into the room and on the bed. Bleeding.

He was half dead as his clothes were taken off, and a worse pain was replaced his previous pain as Chris slammed himself in the younger man.


Manager part II will be here soon but enjoy!

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