My guardian angel ( jastin )

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Jason McCain=33 years old
Justin Bieber= 21 years old

Jason McCain POV

I brushed the hair back from his forehead, taking in the beautiful sight Infront of my eyes. He was peaceful in his sleeps, not like when he's awake, letting out soft snores. He's a ball of energy when he's awake... sometimes he's depressed and angry, when his anger fades away, he becomes sad and starts crying. That's when he needs my shoulder to cry on. He used to use drugs, but when I found out, he promised me never to touch any weeds or anything again cause I convinced him that he's too innocent to be ruined by such things. And of course with my help he eventually stopped using drugs. Sometimes I doubt I even deserve such a perfect boy like himself, to be mine. Out of all the girls who are screaming and crying for him to just touch their hands, all the famous and rich men out there, he chose to be mine. I feel really blessed every time I look at his face, which is flawless.

Being Justin Bieber's bodyguard, I get to be around him 24/7. Scooter Braun would kick me out once he finds out about our little secret, but what he doesn't know, won't hurt him. He thinks I'm just his boy's bodyguard and I think about him like my own son/brother. But it's not the same anymore. That tiny boy has done so much better to my heart and I couldn't ignore the feelings I have towards him. What's the cutest about him is that, he thinks he's really buff and manly, when he's really tiny and babyish. He wears baggy clothes to seem bigger and more matured but it only makes him look more babyish and cute. He likes to grow a mustache but it takes days for him to grow a little peach fuzz and he's very proud of it. Yesterday I shaved his face while he was asleep, you wouldn't wanna know how much of a tantrum he threw about it. Well if you do, he hit me with a hair dryer until my shoulder started bleeding and started sobbing as if he's the one who got hurt. Me, being the boyfriend I am (or the man-friend or whatever cause I'm not a boy anymore).. spent my whole day apologizing and comforting him until Scooter wanted him to go to an interview.

" What are you starring at, creep?!" I didn't realize that I was starring until he giggled and rubbed his eyes. I chuckled softly as he cuddled to my chest again." Good morning to you too!" I said softly, before placing a kiss on his head. I patted his back gently as his tiny hands wrapped themselves around my torso, him being spread on my well-built self." Owww!" He whined suddenly,making me look down at him confused.

" What?!" I asked panicked, I don't want my baby to get hurt, it scares me.

He giggled, poking my cheek." Your hand is so heavy on me, fatass!" He said making me groan and glare at him. He can be a brat sometimes.

" I'm not fat! I'm well built." I argued. " You're a tiny kitten. It's not my fault. I'm like a tiger Infront of your kitten body!"

He huffed childishly." No! You're fat. If you really love me you wouldn't argue with me about it!! You-are-fat!!"

" If you truly love me you wouldn't call me fat. My fatass is what keeps you safe. I have to be buff or I wouldn't be a bodyguard. I would have been a whiny singer like yourself if I were fragile like you." I rolled my eyes at him. I didn't mean to offend him but somehow he took it offensive as his eyes pricked with tears. Just great!

" Justin I.." He cutted me off as he shoved a pillow to my face and kicked me in the you know what😮.. and pulled away from me, running in the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

I groaned in pain, as I stood on my feet. That little brat! I Didn't even mean to offend him but he sometimes can be a sensitive wreck. I walked to the bathroom door and knocked." Jay Jay?! Are you alright in there?" I asked softly. He didn't respond. I turned the door knob, thankfully it wasn't locked, and walked towards the boy who was sitting on a corner of a counter, laying his back against the wall as his face was buried in between his knees, as his hands were wrapped around them. His body was shaking, probably he was sobbing.

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