Punishment ( zustin Smut)

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( smut warning!!)

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Zayn had lost it, as he grabbed his jacket and matched out of the house, grabbing his phone on his way. He had sent 27 unread texts, five voicemails and 13 missed calls. Yet his fiance has not bothered to check his phone.

He got in the car, grabbing the key out of his jacket pocket and starting the ignition.

He was about to head towards Justin's friend, Emily's house to see if he's there but his Instagram notification binged and he unlocked his phone, seeing a post Justin just sent.

Zayn scoffed, this fucker is sending posts but hasn't bothered to read his damn texts, and this pissed Zayn off.

He checked the post, because he wanted to know where he is, and when he saw the picture, his blood boiled.

Justin was in his damn boxers in a club and was dancing a bit too inappropriately with his friends that Zayn had forbidden him from seeing. His eyes were red and Zayn knew that he had used some drug.

They were drug dealers and they used Justin as a bait whenever they got caught, Justin once spent a night in jail because of them yet he hasn't learned.

Yes, Justin is only nineteen and he's just a teenager trying to figure out what life is, but if he continued to befriends with those drug dealers, he'd mess up his life so bad.

Zayn threw his phone on the passenger seat and drove off, knowing where Justin was. " This little fucker!" He said through gritted teeth.

Justin was pushed against a wall, as Xavier sucked on his neck. His hands were held over his head as he squirmed. " Zayn... I want him to do this" he said, trying to push his friend away. " Let me go!" He spat. He enjoyed everything until Xavier dragged him into a room and slammed him against the wall. He might be high but he didn't want to do it with anyone else but his man.

Xavier wasn't buying any of that as he continued, but soon were thrown on the floor with a bloody nose.

Zayn glared down at Xavier, who was sitting up, glaring at him as he held his nose. " What the fuck!"

" Keep that filthy hands out of what's mine. Or I will gladly cut them off!" He spat, before grabbing Justin by the hair. " You little fucker!" He spat as he dragged Justin, who squealed and faught back. " You're in too much shit already, brat! Stop fighting!"

And Justin stopped, whimpering as his fiancé dragged him out of the club by the hair.


Justin was thrown on the bed once they're home, and his clothes were soon taken off. Zayn didn't utter a word, as he grabbed restraints, tying Justin's each limb to the bed posts, so he was laying on his stomach, helpless.

" Zayn-"

A loud spank cutted him off and he gasped. It actually hurt.

" I've told you so many times, Justin. I don't like your friends and you shouldn't be with them. Seems like words can't do shit." Zayn snapped. " I'm going to teach you how to fucking listen to your fiancé. Because I don't want you disobeying me."

" What are you gonna do?" Justin bit his lip, feeling a bit nervous.

" oh believe me, You will see, but you won't like it" Zayn smirked, folding his belt in half.

Justin looked over his shoulder, tensed up seeing the belt and Zayn's smirk.

He liked being spanked, but not belted. Specifically when his fiancé is this angry.

A loud smack were heard, and Justin bit his lip not to let out a sound, for he knew the rules.

Zayn belted Justin until his ass was as red as red roses. And Justin was already crying silently. But Zayn knew Justin half enjoyed it because of his moans.

Zayn rubbed his fat ass cheeks, as Justin cried into the pillow. As Justin cried, Zayn grabbed Justin's cock in his hand, smirking at the feeling of it's semi hardness. Justin moaned, for he's a bit too sensitive that area.

Justin tried to rock on Zayn's hand, trying to make friction but Zayn slapped his ass. " Stay still" he warned.

Justin whimpered, but obeyed. " Z.zayn"

" Call me Sir" Zayn ordered.

" Yes, Sir" and Zayn smirked.

Zayn let go of Justin's manhood, only to turn him to his back and tie him up. So he was exposed to Zayn to play as he pleases. Justin bit his lip, looking up at Zayn through eyelashes.

He was too beautiful for this world. Zayn felt lucky to have him. He felt bad about what he was going to do to the boy but he had to learn to listen. Zayn wished he could say that he was going to be easy on him but he couldn't. Besides, Zayn loved seeing Justin squirming and begging so much.

Zayn kissed Justin's lips, which soon turned into a make out session, as he grabbed Justin's cock in his rough hand. Justin moaned into his lips, enjoying his punishment already. Not knowing what's to come.

Zayn started jerking him off, making Justin moan louder. Not letting go of his cherry lips. So Justin moaned into the kiss.

Leaving his lips, Zayn started sucking on his neck, continuing to jerk him off. Justin moaned, not being able to hold back, as he squirmed, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as he tried to break free from the restraints.

Soon Zayn was sucking Justin's nipples, making the boy scream out in pure pleasure. He was as hard as a rock, now. And it was painful.

" I.. gonna cum.." the moment these words left Justin's mouth, Zayn let go of his cock. Justin whimpered, as Zayn smirked, kissing Justin's tip and then cheek, walking to the door. " Enjoy your climax, darling"

And left, leaving Justin cry out in pain.


There's gonna be a part two.. and I'm going to complete other ones as well.😁

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