Family( smut included)( Justinxjasonxzayn)

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A bit of smut included. ( Three way relationship, meaning three guys in love.) If you're not comfortable, please don't continue.


Justin Bieber(18)- bottom
Jason McCann(26)- bottom/top
Zayn Malik(27) - top


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Zayn had to pick up Justine from the day care center at 5'o clock, and it was 4.48 so he had to speed up a little bit. Jason was supposed to go grocery shopping today and Zayn wished Jason didn't forget to do so. Jason was always the one to forget things.

The sun was slowly going down over the mountains and he could feel some warm air on his face as he drove.

Soon he reached the day care center, and picked up the 3 year old girl. She immediately sat on her car seat and started buckling up. She groaned when Zayn tried to help the girl. " Dad! I can do it myself!"

" I know, but I only wanted to help" Zayn pouted. The girl rolled her eyes. " Don't try to be cute, Justin's the cute one" she sassed.

" Baby don't call him that, He's your daddy, you know?"

" He's only eighteen. Way too young to be a dad. He hasn't even hit the puberty yet!" Girl spat. Zayn's eyes widened.

" Who even teaches you things like that?!" He gasped.

" Papa?" Justine said matter of fact-ly.

" Well I forbid you from talking to Jason for the rest of your life!" Zayn grumbled annoyed.

" Obviously you can't stop me from talking to my dad. Even if you do, I won't listen to you" she said sassily , crossing her arms. " Besides he's the hot one. " She added.

" And who am I?" Zayn looked at the chubby ball on the car seat. She had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. She was the most adorable thing Zayn had ever seen besides his husband, Justin. No matter what, noone could beat Justin up with adorableness. He kept it a secret because he didn't want to hurt the baby girl, but he had to admit the truth. Justin was the most adorable creature in the universe. His beauty and adorableness was unique.

" You? You're the party pooper of the family" she smirked, like, really smirked.

Zayn huffed. " Let's see who's gonna take you to Disneyland next month. "

" Who said I wanna go Disneyland? I'd rather eat dog vomit."

" Eww Justine!" Zayn groaned. " Normal kids love to go Disney. Even Justin, he would be a slave for you to a whole week if you tell him you'll take him to Disneyland."

" A sex slave?"

Zayn chocked on his own saliva this time. " You're not supposed to use that kind of language young lady! Heck! You're not even supposed to know such things! I really have to talk to Jason and knock some sense into his empty brain"

" Oh c'mon! Do you think I don't hear you fucking the daylight out of Justin? And Jason? Justin probably loves being a sex slave. I can tell by the way he moans and how loud he is. ' daddy right there', ' faster faster!' , ' oh fuck I'm gonna cum'-" she mimicked Justin's voice in a high pitched voice than her voice already is, until Zayn cutted her off.

" THAT'S ENOUGH JUSTINE!" He yelled, he was furious right now. " If I hear you talk such dirty things ever again!-" he paused to huff.

The girl looked a bit hurt and shocked. " But if it's okay for you to do that-"

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