Chapter 14

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The girls did decide to attend the band's after party. Although Erin is glad Jessica Lynn is the one who drove them tonight. Amber will inevitably ditch them for Adam. It isn't meant to be a slight to either of them. It's simply how she's built...unfortunately.

Amber is across the room snuggling up in Adam's lap. Despite the icky PDA, Erin has to admit: they are kind of cute together. Adam is way cooler than the douchebags Amber normally goes out with. Erin turns her attention back to Jessica Lynn. The two are standing against the wall watching people dancing and socializing around the room.

"Do you want to dance?" Jessica Lynn asks.

"Bleh," Erin says.

"I was hoping you would say that," Jessica Lynn whispers back. The two burst out laughing. Sean, the party host himself, breaks up their amusement. He's a senior at the girl's high school and Adam's bandmate.

"Hey, Jess." He gives a less welcoming, "Erin." Not that she's anticipating anything more. Out of her friends, she is the not as interesting, not as pretty one. She is the wallflower. Hell, more like the wallpaper. She might as well back off before things get awkward. Maybe she should go inspect the allegedly spiked punch. Thoroughly.

"I'll be back," she mutters. Jessica Lynn reaches out to stop her but gets blocked by Sean.

"So what'd you think of our show?"

"I thought it was fun. Upbeat. You guys work the crowd well," she says. "But hey, I've got—"

"I'm glad you liked it. I respect your work too." His comment stops her in her tracks.

"Really?" she asks.

"Hell yeah! Adam and I have been talking about getting you to do a track with us."

"Oh wow. I would love that. I'm so happy you like my stuff," Jessica Lynn stammers.

"Yeah, of course. I don't get why you're so shy about it." Sean's tone has shifted, his voice lower. She has no idea when he managed to get so close to her, but there he is. His arm propped up against the wall, and his face a few inches from hers. Their foreheads might as well be touching, for god's sake! He looks deeply in her eyes, searching for something. "You have a beautiful voice...You're beautiful."

At this, Jessica Lynn can't help but be self-conscious. Sean has been nice to her, but he's a huge flirt. So this doesn't mean anything...right? Her heart is pumping against her ribcage: hard. Like it wants out. She tries to open her mouth and respond with something that won't sound completely stupid, but her brain is fried. Hmm yeah, most likely she won't be successful in that...

While Jessica Lynn may be tongue-tied, Erin's situation is a teeny bit worse. Across the room at the snack bar, she has reached the point where anything she says will probably come out as an incoherent slur. And she's only on her second drink of whatever the hell is in her cup. But so what if that's not a lot! She can't control being a lightweight if she hasn't had a drink before. She sways to the beat of the music, some sort of pop mainstream band, not her taste but who cares. Tonight is not for everyday, boring Erin. She can pop, lock, and drop it like the rest of them...well, as soon as she finds her sense of balance and the room stops spinning.

"Erin! ERIN!" She jumps at hearing her name. A blurry Derek is standing next to her.

"Oh, hey," she mumbles into her cup. She takes another sip because if she's going to be around Derek, she definitely needs a good buzz.

"Hey yourself. I called your name like four times," Derek yells over the music. "But I guess it's kind of loud in here."

"It isss," Erin slurs. She wants to sound calm and cool, but her attempt becomes an epic fail when she stumbles and bumps into the table. And dammit, Derek starts to catch on. He's got that knowing glint in his eyes, those oh so clever, sexy eyes...

"I'm surprised to find you here. You don't seem like someone who'd be into this chaos. But you look like you're having a...good time?" Derek raises his eyebrows as he takes in Erin's gradual intoxication. She fiddles with her hair, spilling some of her drink in the process.

"Oh shit," she curses, which appears to take Derek by surprise.

"Sorry, did I get your shoes?"

"No, I'm fine. Are—"

"But to answer your question, we came with Adam and the band. This is like a normal party but an after the band show party too. So I guess it's an after moral show party." Erin hiccups.

Did she say moral? Well, that's a word too so it doesn't matter. Derek stares down at her, a hint of amusement in his eyes but concern in his voice.

"Erin, are you okay? You seem a little—"

"Tipsy?" she asks. Her eyes widen in realization, and she leans in to whisper to him. "I wasn't sure before, but now I think I am. I think I AM, Derek." She suddenly reaches out and grips his hand. She's not scared or anything, but it's weird to think she really is drunk.

She's fumbling around while juiced up on some beer cocktail to try and fit in. She never thought she would do that. But here she is. Becoming the insecure, teenage girl cliché.

Derek brings his arm around to support her. She feels embarrassed by that because it's not like she's the skinniest girl around. She's got some junk in her trunk so to speak. But who cares when it's Derek frickin' Evans holding her up.

And good GOD does it feel good.

It gets ten times better when he gives her a reassuring side-hug, smoothly running his hand up and down her arm.

"Don't worry. We'll sort it out. Who's your ride? Amber?" Erin scoffs at this, pulling away so she can glance at him.

"No. Jess."

"Cool. Let's go find her." She pulls on his sleeve to stop him from going on their safe driver search. She looks up into his gorgeous eyes and braces herself.

"I have an answer to your other question too. From before." Erin struggles to enunciate. He looks at her in confusion. She sighs heavily and turns him around so he has a nice, friendly view of the living room couch: where Amber and Adam are attempting to physically mold themselves into one person.

"I'm sorry, Derek. But unless you're in a band and your brain is the size of an's not gonna happen," Erin says.

She anticipates what she'll see there: another guy who has had his heart crushed under Amber's perfectly manicured toenails. Although this time, Erin can't blame Amber like she wants to since the girl is oblivious to Derek's very existence—not that this makes any of it better. She grimaces as she takes him in. Yep. Derek is watching the sickening scene like his puppy just died.

"I'm sorry," she repeats, but her words are meaningless. Not only to him but to her too. Obviously, Erin shouldn't be sorry. The guy she likes has lost his fascination with the almighty Amber. She should be relieved, happy, but she isn't. She hates that he's hurting like this. And there's also another thing making this whole situation suck.

Erin knows him being free of his Amber lust won't change anything between them. He doesn't have the hots for one of her friends anymore. So what? That doesn't mean he will suddenly transfer any of his feelings towards Erin.

And she's a moron for letting the thought cross her mind in the first place.

"It's okay. It's not like it's your fault," he says at last.

She catches a hint of criticism in his tone nevertheless. Thus, Erin is a colossal buffoon for what she does next:

She kisses him.

As he turns back around to face her, Erin stands up on her toes, leans forward—and kisses Derek Evans smack dab on the mouth. Knowing he probably blames her, knowing he doesn't feel the same way...but also knowing this is only going to happen once, so she better make it DAMN good.

*** Was it? Find out on Monday! ***

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