Chapter 12

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"Turn! Turn, you stupid plumber, turn!" Christian shouts as he pushes the video controller's buttons with ferocious force. Sky is unable to control his laughter as he watches Turner thoroughly kick the drummer's ass at Super Mario Kart.

Christian's pleading demands are to no avail. Turner's Princess Peach character expertly pushes his Mario avatar, causing him to skid off the racetrack.

Turner makes a disappointed tsking sound.

"Christian, when you agreed to play this game, I had much higher expectations of you."

"You're the one who said you'd go easy on me!"

"Huh. I did say that, didn't I?"

"You should know by now Turner is the Mario guru. Or Princess Peach guru, in this case," Sky says.

It's true, Turner is unmatched. Before Christian, Alex was already beaten. Before that, Sky lost twice. It's unclear how the hell he talked the guys into playing in the first place. Then again, there's only so much to do when you're stuck on a tour bus for hours on end. By the time Turner finishes his extremely awful victory dance, everyone else is ready for a new game. Alex insists on Call of Duty so he and Christian set it up.

"You up for a match, Sky?" Alex asks daringly. Sky doesn't get a chance to answer as his phone starts going off. He doesn't recognize the number but decides to take it anyway. Raucous goading from the guys starts over the game, so he decides to take his call in the back. Making it to the bunks, he answers.

"Hello, is this Sky St. James?" A woman's clear voice comes over the line.

"Yes, it is. Who's this?"

"I'm Susan, from Lakewood penitentiary."

Sky freezes as he realizes what this must be about. A chill runs down his spine.

"What happened?"

Startled by his abrupt response, the woman goes on hesitantly.

"Your father, David St. James, passed away late last night. There was an altercation at the facility, and he suffered some severe injuries."

Sky sways on the spot. He falls down onto one of the bunks, his legs no longer stable enough to support him. The soft comforter saves him. The seat is the only thing orienting him in a spinning room.

"Mr. St. James? Are you there?"

"Yes. I, I heard you," Sky finally replies.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

The woman waits for him to answer her. He tries to shake himself out of it to respond but his mouth is dry.

"Th-thank you," Sky says, almost as if it's a question. Because is it a loss? For that despicable man to be gone for good?

"Would you like to come to the facility to retrieve—"

"No," Sky retorts. "I mean, I'm unable to at the moment."

"It's important for him to have a proper burial." He hears a hint of criticism in her voice, but he doesn't give a fuck. Let her think what she wants about him, he's not going back home.

"Don't you guys have your own services for these kinds of situations?"

"Alright. We'll call you when the arrangements are finished," the woman says coldly. Sky says something else, but he isn't sure what it is. The last bit of their conversation is a blur. He remains sitting stock still after he hangs up.

What are you supposed to feel when one of your parents dies? How are you supposed to react? His relationship with his father was far from being normal or loving. To be honest, Sky doesn't feel anything.

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