Chapter 17

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"She'll say yes. There's no way she won't," Sky says, sprawled out on his hotel bed.

"In my head, I know that, but I feel anxious," Turner says, sitting next to Sky and flipping through the T.V. channels. "This is a big deal. Melissa will officially be a part of our family." Turner's ecstatic gaze turns into one of dread. "Hell, Sky, Alex might want to start his own family, a real family. Then where the hell will we be?"

"Turn, you need to chill. Alex is the most dependable person I know, aside from you. He's not going to drop us because he's getting married. At, I'm sure he won't."

Well, he is ninety-eight percent sure, but there's no need to tell Turner that. The guitarist throws Sky a dubious look before they return to the television. Neither one of them is really absorbing what's going on in Top Model—except for: "Laa-la-laa-la-la-laa..." (the show's annoying ass music). That shit is totally registering in a bee in your ear way.

"Yo, where's Christian?" Sky realizes.

"Where is he usually? Most likely he's screwing Natasha." Turner snorts.

"Oh my, is that a hint of jealousy, I hear? We could fix you up too if you weren't so shy."

"I'm not shy," Turner mumbles.

Before Sky can tease him further, shuffling feet outside the door, followed by a soft knock, interrupts them. As they expected, a beaming Alex and a giddy Melissa are on their doorstep. Melissa holds up her hand, an engagement ring sparkling on her finger. Turner throws himself on top of them in a huge group hug, showering them with praise. As they break apart, Sky walks over and gives Melissa a hug. Then, he moves on to Alex, clearing his throat around the lump that somehow formed there.

"Good job, man. She's a helluva woman. I'm happy for you," Sky whispers into Alex's ear during their bear hug. And he is. But at the same time...Turner's right. This might be the death of them.

"Thanks. That means a lot," Alex says. "Both of you are going to be my groomsmen!"

Sky feigns a wounded gasp.

"I thought I was going to be the best man!"

Turner has stored away some wine for when everything was official. He rushes to grab it and juggles the bottle and a few plastic cups.

"To Alex and Melissa. The most perfect couple I've ever met. To your happiness, and—" Turner chokes up.

"Ahhhh," Melissa waters up herself as she pulls him into another hug.

"I'm fine. Just happy for you guys." With no further ado, Turner raises his glass. The others follow suit, clinking their cups together.

"Hot damn, this is good, Turn," Alex says.

"Of course it is. I have excellent taste," Turner teases.

The foursome celebrates the fact love exists. Even if it is damn hard to find. An unspoken rule is made to not bring up Christian's absence. Alex and Christian may have patched things up, but there's still some tension.

Finally, Alex stands up.

"It's been nice hanging out guys, but we should probably head next door. Right, Melissa?"

Sky and Turner exchange cheeky grins. It's clear what the two are "heading over" to do as the both of them turn beat red.

"Thanks for letting us steal your room, Sky." Melissa manages to get out around her embarrassment.

"No problem. You guys...'sleep tight,'" Sky waves at them as they leave. After they're gone, he falls back onto Turner's bed, staring up at the plain ceiling.

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