Chapter 19

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After last night's fiasco, Turner's a mess. He spent last night watching over Sky. The poor guy was tossing and turning, mumbling about Gracie. This morning, Turner's traded stressing over his childhood friend to placating his childish one. Christian's hung over and not in a forgiving mood, despite Turner explaining everything.

None of the Dante boys are in good shape for the interview they're having. The band had been scheduled to do one for some local magazine before tomorrow night's show.

Turner scoffs inwardly, thinking about how they must look: Christian is trashed and pouting. Sky's in his own morbid world. Alex, at least, is giddy over his engagement, but he's distracted and daydreaming about Melissa. And Turner is drained from worrying over everyone. Sky's horrible drama, Christian's partying and temperamental ways, and Alex potentially moving on.

He shouldn't have let it get to this point, but understanding, patient Turner is getting very cranky. He has no desire to say anything witty for Miss. Whatsherface reporter. Maybe her name is Tanya? To be honest, he doesn't care. He's too busy caring—obsessing—over everything else. The worst part of being the worrywart is when no one worries about you. He has taken time to support everyone in their affairs, but has anyone bothered to give him the same consideration? 

"No." Sky laughs at something Tiffany asked. "We try to stay away from that kind of thing. Did you?" Sky turns expectantly to Turner.

"Did I what?" Turner blushes, grateful the interview isn't being recorded. He doesn't want people to see how awkward and clueless he is. Or how hungover Christian is.

"Did you know that fans write slash fiction about us? Kinky stuff, from what Christine tells me."

Wow. Christine. He'd been way off.

"No," Turner lies, trying to laugh it off. "But hey, if fans find it as a way to express their love for the band, more power to them."

"Yeah. Why not? If I won't be able to fulfill my fantasies with top model Tasha Vanderbilt, Turner's a nice second choice." Sky waggles his eyebrows at him suggestively.

"Yes. Your fans are pretty passionate," Christine says.

"We love our fans!" Christian lifts up a feeble fist pump. Moron. Christine showers him with giggles and eyelash batting.

Christian might be the drunk one, but if that shit keeps up, Turner will be the one puking.

"What's the craziest thing a fan's ever done?" Christine asks, her eyes locked on Christian.

Turner zones out again while Christian and Alex argue over an incident involving a forty-year-old fan and a can of whipped cream. The rest of the interview passes by quickly. After Christine leaves and the door shuts, the guys talk about their next move. 

"So..." Sky attempts to sound cheerful. "Anyone up for grub?"

"I'm meeting up with Melissa—but we can join you or—"

"That's okay. You guys do your lovey-dovey fiancé thing." Sky coos. Christian perks up at this.

"She said yes?"

"Yeah," Alex says.

"Wow! Congratulations."

"Thanks, man."

Maybe the two will now stop shooting daggers at each other when Melissa's name is mentioned.

"So, food. No takers?" Sky speaks up again.

"I was going to go meet up with Natasha. T.A.' s doing touristy stuff if you want to come..." Christian starts.

"That's okay. Maybe I'll catch up with you guys later."

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