Chapter 16

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Wow. Sky's never seen that shade of red before.

That's what Sky's thinking as Jer's face morphs from his normal tan complexion to...hmm. Now that Sky's had a moment to study it, he guesses the color could be described as maroon.

"What?" Jer exclaims so loudly, every other person in the hotel lobby's vicinity jumps and looks over at him in fear. The young guy behind the front desk cowers at being faced with the imposing man's wrath.

"What the hell do you mean there are only two rooms?" Jer demands.

"Well, um, it's right here, it says—"

"Well, um, it's wrong!"

No. Seriously, how does Jer get his face to change colors like that?

Turner is the only one daring enough to try and calm him. He touches his shoulder lightly.

"Jer, it's not his fault."

"It's somebody's fault. You know what, Tiffany called in the hotel reservations. Good god, I'm going to..." The fierce manager pulls out his cell phone, ready to call Tiffany and rip her a new one.

There are many things that can happen while a band and their entourage are on tour. Including travel malfunctions. Apparently, the guys—who generally get their own separate rooms—have only been issued a set of two double bedrooms. Surprisingly, everyone else in their party's sleeping arrangements are as they should be. Clearly, this inconvenient incident is an act of a God who's angry with rock stars' frivolous expenses.

"This is a small mix up. We'll survive," Turner says. He tugs at Jer's shoulder, and slowly but surely, he makes progress in talking the manager down. As Jer slips his phone back into his pocket, everyone breathes a sigh of relief.

"Yeah. It's no big. We'll bunk up. It's no different than being on the bus," Sky points out. However, judging by Alex's troubled expression, it becomes clear he isn't happy about the idea.

"What's up, Alex? You're not looking forward to me snoring? It's better than dealing with Turner's night terrors."

"I do not have night terrors, you ninny," Turner says while slapping him on the back of the head. Sky's reassured by the gesture, grateful Turner hasn't brought up his dad anymore. He's not up to having a heart to heart about that.

"No. It's...Melissa is supposed to come here tonight. Since the hotel's full, there's no way for me to book a separate room."

"So, we'll bring in a fold out, and I'll crash with Turner and Sky," Christian says, shockingly being the first one to come up with a solution. "You guys don't mind, right?"

"Bring on the slumber party!" Sky enthuses. Although in reality, he'd prefer to be around as few people as possible. He's putting on a good front, but he's feeling suffocated by the people they're with on this trip. With his current emotional turmoil, he only wants to curl up in a ball somewhere and hide in the dark.

"Awesome. Because this is going to be kind of a big night for us," Alex says. Saying this makes the guy twitchy and jumpy—so of course, the guys' interest is piqued.

"In what way?" Turner raises his eyebrows skeptically. Alex discretely motions his three bandmates to follow him a few steps away from the rest of their group.

"It's a big night because it's our anniversary and...I'm going to do it."

"Do a highly choreographed striptease?" Sky asks. "Spit it out, man."

"Propose. I'm going to propose."

This proclamation is met with a burst of surprised swears and delighted cheers, until Alex motions for them to be quiet.

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