Chapter 28

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When she and Tony make it to the bedroom, Amber continues to play along. Giggling as they fall onto the bed, she lifts up her shirt. In an instant, his hands and lips are all over her—and they feel hot, rough, wrong. The only thing Amber can think of is Adam's face breaking in front of her. Adam would never "make love" this way. He would be slow, patient, tender. Thinking about the way this could have gone, Amber begins to wonder: maybe she's caught in some crazy self-fulfilling prophecy. Her buying into her image. Being nothing more than an object. Accepting that is all she will ever be.

No. Not like this. She doesn't want it to happen like this.

Tony's next exclamation clarifies everything.

"Alice..." He mutters.

This fucker has forgotten her name.

"Stop." Amber pushes him away.

"It's okay. I'll make you feel good." Tony tries to unbutton her jeans and that's when Amber loses it.

"I said, get off me."

She kicks him viciously in the groin, then bites his neck for good measure. Tony cries out, backing off. Amber leaps up from the bed, heading for the door.

"Ow! What the fuck is wrong with you?" Tony yells.

"There's a ton of crap wrong with me, but I don't have to literally be shit. I get that now."

Amber runs out, bolting for the front door. The trip downstairs and out is a blur, but her determination is strong. However, as she stands outside, she remembers Tony brought her to this stupid party. She'll need a ride home. Amber's ashamed to call Jessica Lynn—since she's been a bitch or avoided her—but it's her initial instinct. JL, being a dependable, decent person, agrees to come pick her up without hesitation.

Stuck for the time being, Amber sits on the front steps. The night crosses over into hell territory when it starts to thunderstorm overhead. Rain falls, drenching her in its fresh scent. She soaks it in, wishing the water will wash her clean. Because isn't this how salvation comes? Lightning strikes and Amber wishes on it as if it's a deadly shooting star, hoping for redemption...

*** Thank the Powers that Be, or in this case, Aretha Franklin, that Amber's finally realized her worth! ***

Amber's not sure how long she waits until she notices Jessica Lynn's car heading towards the house. As she pulls up, Amber sees Erin is riding shotgun. Just what she needs: another judge. Bracing herself, Amber opens the door and slides into the backseat.

"Amber, are you okay? You sounded distraught on the phone. We were worried," Jessica Lynn says.

"Yeah. You look horrible. Like a drowned rat," Erin volunteers her own opinion. She means it as a joke but it pisses Amber off.

"I got bored. Can we go please?"

"Where do you want to go, home?" JL asks.

"No," Amber admits, surprised at her honesty.

"Then we'll go to my place. My parents are at some charity function." JL tries to sound cheerful.

It's a quiet ride for the most part. Jessica Lynn occasionally attempting to make small talk and Erin, for once, shutting up. Amber's a mess. She's inconveniencing her friends and should explain her schizo behavior—but she doesn't have the courage or the energy.

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