Insecurities and punishments

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(Ashton's POV)

When we get home, we head inside and Luke tell me to go up to my room. I sit on the bed and wait for him.

"Now, I need you to lift up your shirt baby" he says as he walks in and I shake my head no. "Ashton. I'm not gonna tell you again. Remove your shirt. Now." He says in a firmer tone and I slowly take off my shirt and look down. The room is silent for a bit and I start to tear up. I go to grab my shirt and put it back on but he stops me.

"Ash, did you cause all of the scars to yourself ?" He asks in a soft voice as he sits next to me. I just nod my head, ashamed of the scars. "Y..yes daddy.. I stopped 8 months ago" I say as I wipe a tear off my cheek.
"Why baby? Why did you do it?" He asks and I just keep my head down.

"I felt worthless. Like no one wanted or loved me. I did it for 3 years before I tried stopping." I say in a whisper and he pulls me into his lap. "Promise me you'll never go back to it. If you ever think about it, you come to me and we'll talk. I don't care if it's after a fight. I'll be there." He says which makes me smile.

"Thank you, sir" he smiles and nods his head in response then scans my torso with his eyes.

"Does it feel like it's only bruising or do you think you might have a cracked rib princess?" He asks. "It's just sore. So probably only bruising. May I go take a shower, daddy?"

"Of course babyboy. I'll get the water started for you. Do you like it hot or warm?" He asks as he gets up and heads to the bathroom.

"Hot, but not too hot please daddy" he nods his head and I hear him turn the bath water on.

Once he tells me it's ready, I get in after he leaves.

I just stand in the water for a few minutes as I look down at my bruised and scarred torso. I sigh as I feel like doing it again. I'm eight months clean and yet the thoughts won't go away. I start crying so I slide down the shower wall and hug my knees to my chest.
The thoughts become overwhelming as I tug at my hair. "L..luke..." no answer. "L..luke!!" I yell and I hear him run into the bathroom and open the curtains. He turns off the water and sits on the edge of the tub. "I'm here baby what's wrong? Did you fall?" He asks as he moves my hair out of my face. I shake my head then wipe my eyes a little.

"I..I was thinking about it." He nods his head then helps me up and starts drying me off. I blush as I realize I'm naked but he doesn't seem to mind. After he dries me off, he picks me up and carries me to my bed. He goes to one of my drawers and gets out some panties and one of his shirts and helps me slide everything on.

"Take a nap baby, maybe that will help to ease your mind. Everything will be okay. Thank you for telling daddy you needed him." He says as he covers me up and I smile a little. "You're welcome daddy. C..can you stay in here with me?" I ask and he hesitates.

"Yeah.. sure why not" he says then gets under the covers next to me. I scoot over to him and lay my head on his chest.

"Thank you daddy" I say as I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

"Wake up baby. It's time to get ready" I hear Luke say as he shakes me, trying to wake me up. "What time is it daddy?" I ask.

"It's 4 o'clock baby. We have our date at 5." He says as he gets up and goes to my closet, picking out my outfit. He decided on a burgundy shirt with black skinny jeans and converse.

He leaves the room so I can get dressed

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He leaves the room so I can get dressed. I put on some mascara, highlighter, and some lip gloss. I can't find my contacts so I decide to wear my glasses instead. I spray myself in perfume and put deodorant on then I put my charger, wallet, and house keys in my bag and walk down to the living room where Luke was.

"You look amazing princess" he says as I walk up to him. I blush at the compliment "thank you sir." I say.

The doorbell rings and Luke answers it, greeting Calum and Mikey. I get excited and run over to Mikey and hug him.

"Mikey!! I missed you!" I say and he giggles. "You just saw me this morning babe" he says then I hear Luke clear his voice.

"Did I give you permission to speak?" He asks in a firm tone and my eyes go wide. Shit. I forgot about the rule... "play room. Now" he says and I nod my head and run up to the playroom. As I'm going up the stairs, I hear Calum tell Mikey to go to the couch for his punishment. I look down, knowing this was my fault.

"Now, you knew the rules little one. Yet, you disobeyed me. Get over here and bend over my lap" luke says as he comes in the play room and shuts the door behind him, then sits on the edge of the bed.

I do as I'm told and he pulls my pants down a bit. "You're getting 10. I want you to count each one out loud then thank me."

"Y..yes sir. Ow! One, t..thank you" I choke out as he spanks me.

"T...two. Thank you" I say.

By the fourth one, I start crying at the stinging pain from his big hands. After he finishes the tenth one, he gently rubs my butt then pulls my pants up and sits my down on his lap. "You were such a good boy for daddy. I'm so proud of you" He coos in my ear.

"We'll get ice cream after the sushi date baby and you can Mikey can go play on the swing sets at the park" he says then kisses my cheek and wipes my tears off my face.

We head downstairs after Calum texts Luke that Mikey's punishment is over. Once we get there, I notice that Mikey's eyes were red and puffy like mine, from crying. I look to Luke and he nods his head, giving me permission to talk.

"I'm sorry I got you in trouble Mikey" I say as I hug him and he hugs back.

"You May speak baby" Calum says and Mikey smiles a little.

"It's okay ash. You're new to this. It's not your fault. Are you okay?" He asks. I nod my head "I got 10 spanks then cuddles after" I say with a blush coating my face.
"Me too" Mikey says with a giggle.

"Let's go out to eat boys. It's time for our date" Luke and Calum say.

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